Become a Faith-Filled Superhero the World Needs

People cannot help but feel energized by superheroes.  After all, theaters teem with moviegoers looking for an exhilarating escape from the pressures and stresses of everyday life.  Following what often seems like over-the-top pyrotechnics and harrowing chase scenes, everything-will-be-alright feelings begin to emerge.  Why?  Well, people typically experience a rush of satisfaction when the “good guy (or gal)” prevails in the end.  Right?!  Just like happy endings manufactured on a movie set, real-life outcomes can feel just as rewarding.  All it takes is for each person to make the choice and become a faith-filled superhero the world needs.

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Seek God Daily with Love and Dogged Persistence

How do you seek God? This is an important question each of us must ask ourselves on any given day and at any given moment. Your answer to this question could not be any more relevant than it is this very minute because how you respond determines the trajectory of your own unique faith journey with your Heavenly Father. Therefore, seek God daily with love and dogged persistence.

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