Immeasurable Power Borne out of the Holy Spirit’s Nudging

Every person should feel they matter and are loved. Indeed, they should! As God’s beloved children, each of us plays a vital role in ensuring this happens. How? Every child of God is called to serve Him by serving others as the hands, feet, and voice of Christ in the world. This type of servitude is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. In fact, immeasurable power is borne out of the Holy Spirit’s nudging.

The Holy Spirit’s Nudging and a Stranger at Church

a man in white tank top sitting on a pew while holding a cross
Photo by cottonbro on

During a typical Sunday morning church service, a disheveled stranger entered from the rear of the sanctuary and settled on the opposite end of the same pew occupied by my husband and me. From practically the moment the man sat, I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me, and it was positively palpable! Seemingly formulated from thin air, a thought emerged. I must give this stranger a certain amount of money. There was no question in my mind. I knew unequivocally the Holy Spirit was urging me to action.

As the worship service progressed, the Holy Spirit’s nudging grew stronger. At one point, it was so strong my body felt like it was being pushed out of the pew! Attempting to acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s urging, I removed the exact amount of money, which had been placed upon my heart, out of my purse and clasped it tightly. I wanted to ensure I did not accidentally drop it while worshipping.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Once the church service concluded, I promptly made my way to the other end of the pew and approached the unfamiliar gentleman. Without uttering a single word, I placed the money in his rough, calloused hand. Realizing what I had placed in his hand, he looked at me through tear-filled eyes. Meeting his gaze, I listened attentively as he proceeded to describe his current situation.

This unfamiliar child of God explained how he wanted to see his family who lived out-of-town, but he did not have enough money to pay for gas. Turns out the amount of money the Holy Spirit nudged me to give this man was precisely how much he would need to fill his gas tank and safely make it to his relative’s home!

The Holy Spirit’s Nudging During My Sister’s Final Moments

Photo of Becky

As I have mentioned in previous posts, my only sibling, my younger sister Becky, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 33. By the grace of God, I happened to be visiting from out-of-state at the time.

For many months after Becky passed away, I was haunted by those final moments with her. While my parents scrambled to leave the house with Becky, I remained at her side. Struggling to breathe, she looked up at me with fear in her eyes. As I gently rubbed her shoulder and arm, my eyes met hers. Locked in a final gaze, my words to her were, “Just think of a beautiful place.” Moments later, Becky lost consciousness and, subsequently, went to her eternal home.

Once the busyness of funeral preparations and condolence visits ceased, I became overwhelmed and racked with regret, slipping into a depression. Why did I say those final words instead of “I love you?” Why? I always end conversations with “I love you.” Why not this time?

After almost a year of self-loathing and regret, I finally received the answer I so longed (and needed) to hear. It came from my church’s nontraditional associate pastor, Pastor Jane. [She was nontraditional because her previous profession was as a stand-up comic! No kidding! No judgment from me (only love and eternal gratitude for helping my heart and soul heal)!]

Photo of Pastor Jane taken from

As part of her preparation for an upcoming sermon, Pastor Jane interviewed me about Becky. During previous conversations, Pastor Jane learned Becky had introduced others to Christ, and she wanted specifics to include in her message. The Holy Spirit was present and active during the interview. At one point during the conversation, I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me to disclose to Pastor Jane the deep regret I had been harboring for almost a year about not telling Becky, “I love you.”

I told no one what had been destroying me emotionally. I was ashamed. Having always lived following the mantra “Live life with no regrets,” I felt like a hypocrite. After all, I had been carrying a heavy burden, regretting what I did not say to Becky in her final moments. Therefore, the last thing I wanted to do was tell Pastor Jane my deepest, darkest secret. However, there I was, surrendering to the Holy Spirit’s nudging and telling every heartbreaking detail.

Listening to every word with a heart full of love and devoid of judgment, Pastor Jane reminded me Becky knew I loved her. However, in the moment when Becky’s eyes met mine, she was looking for peace. Saying what I did gave her soul permission to leave and be with Christ for eternity. Essentially, the Holy Spirit’s nudging urged me to speak the words my sister needed to hear, which, according to Pastor Jane, showed Becky how much I love her.

Immeasurable Power Borne out of the Stories Shared

The Holy Spirit’s nudging in the stories I shared demonstrates immeasurable power. Power solely possible through Almighty God. For example, I had no way of knowing a stranger’s needs, but God did. He acted through the Holy Spirit and directed me to give the exact amount of money needed to allow this man to unite with his family. Additionally, God knew what Becky’s soul needed before returning to her eternal home. Subsequently, through the Holy Spirit’s nudging, He had me say something I would otherwise not have spoken in that type of situation.

What Scripture Says about the Holy Spirit’s Nudging

Messages describing the Holy Spirit interceding and speaking through God’s children are sprinkled throughout Scripture. For example, during a conversation with His disciples, Jesus tells them not to worry about defending themselves when confronted for being His followers. Instead, He explains, “…the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say” (Luke 12:12, NIV). Matthew also reminds Christ’s followers, “[F]or it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you” (Matthew 10:20, NIV). These verses illuminate why the Holy Spirit intervened in what I said to my sister in her final moments.

God gives the Holy Spirit to His children (John 14:26; Luke 11:13; Acts 2:38-39, NIV). This means the Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit living within each of us. Elaborating on this concept, Apostle Paul writes, “…The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.  For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God” (1 Corinthians 2:10-11, NIV). Essentially, God knew the thoughts and needs of the stranger at my church and guided the Holy Spirit within me to do His will.

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

As a child of God, you are called to serve Him by serving others as the hands, feet, and voice of Christ in the world. God does not expect you to do this alone. Instead, rely upon the Holy Spirit, which is God’s Spirit dwelling within you. Then, discover the immeasurable power borne out of the Holy Spirit’s nudging.

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