Become a Faith-Filled Superhero the World Needs

People cannot help but feel energized by superheroes.  After all, theaters teem with moviegoers looking for an exhilarating escape from the pressures and stresses of everyday life.  Following what often seems like over-the-top pyrotechnics and harrowing chase scenes, everything-will-be-alright feelings begin to emerge.  Why?  Well, people typically experience a rush of satisfaction when the “good guy (or gal)” prevails in the end.  Right?!  Just like happy endings manufactured on a movie set, real-life outcomes can feel just as rewarding.  All it takes is for each person to make the choice and become a faith-filled superhero the world needs.

Well-Known Superheroes from the Old Testament

Scripture overflows with stories of imperfect individuals who dared to become faith-filled superheroes the world needed at the time.  For example, regardless of what others might have said about him and his “unfathomable” plan, Noah faithfully followed God’s calling to construct a massive ark.  This time-intensive act of faith not only saved his family but served as a covenant between God and mankind (Genesis 6:9-22, NIV).  Another well-known Biblical superhero was Moses. He was a faithful man who suffered from slow speech (Exodus 4:10, NIV).  Nevertheless, despite his speech difficulties, Moses bravely led his people (the Israelites) out of slavery in Egypt to the land God promised them.  Other superheroes from the Old Testament include the following: Esther, Daniel, King David, King Solomon, the prophet Isaiah, and the prophet Samuel.

New Testament Superheroes

Equally compelling, the New Testament abounds with accounts of faith-filled superheroes as well, both known and unknown.  For instance, history reveres Mary, a young virgin betrothed to Joseph, as a faithful superhero. Despite her commitment to Joseph, Mary bravely followed God’s will and gave birth to Jesus, Savior of the World (Matthew 1:18-25, NIV).  Such a selfless act demonstrated Mary’s unwavering faith in God.  She realized following God’s will meant risking public disgrace and a potential charge of adultery, which was considered punishable by death (Leviticus 20:10, NIV).  Other well-known New Testament superheroes include Jesus’s disciples and the apostle Paul.

As previously mentioned, Scripture contains accounts of other faith-filled superheroes whose names may be lost to history but whose contributions provided a lasting impact.  For example, a boy gave all the food he had (5 small barley loaves and 2 small fish) to Jesus. In turn, The Son of God used it to feed 5,000 people with some food to spare (John 6:5-13, NIV)! 

Another poignant example illustrates the power of a friend’s faith. One day, a disabled man’s friends carried him on a mat to receive healing from The Son of God.  Moved by the depth of faith demonstrated by the disabled man’s friends, Jesus healed the man physically but also spiritually by forgiving his sins (Matthew 9:1-2, NIV). Such healing would not have occurred if not for the actions of anonymous faith-filled friends. What superheroes!

The Greatest Superhero of All Time

Without a doubt, the greatest superhero of all time is… Jesus!  The Son of God lived His life with two purposes: to love and to save.  He accomplished His mission by teaching others about God, leading others to God, and loving others like God. The depth of Jesus’s love shines through in acts of healing, helping, serving, praying with/for, forgiving, and so on. Jesus’s love was, is, and forever will be unconditional. Did you catch that? Unconditional. Never once has Christ’s love depended upon a person’s race, age, gender, financial status, education, etc.  (Check out the post Appreciation for Diversity Discovered in a Most Unique Way.) Unequivocally, Jesus remains the type of faith-filled superhero we should all aspire to emulate in our own lives.

The Relevance of Ancient Faith-Filled Superheroes in Today’s World

Why devote so much time discussing ancient, faith-filled superheroes? The Bible’s stories provide a treasure trove of timeless guidance and instruction. The Word reminds us how God uses imperfect people, just like you and me to lovingly serve as His hands, feet, and voice in the world.

In addition, Scripture’s narratives act as a powerful teaching tool for the human race. Faith-filled superheroes do not require personal recognition. Instead, they serve for God’s glory and will to be done, not their own.

A Personal Example of a Faith-Filled Superhero

My father spent most of his professional life as a police officer.  The very nature of his job was to protect and serve, which he did with a great deal of integrity and bravery.  Showing up for work each shift meant my dad understood the dangerous, life-threatening nature of his job. However, he willingly performed his duties anyway.

One night while on patrol, my dad responded to an emergency call broadcast over the police radio. A house fire was in progress.  Not wasting any time, my father rushed to the scene.  He arrived so quickly, in fact, he beat all other emergency vehicles which had been dispatched, including firetrucks.

Knowing every second counts and fearing loss of life if he waited, my dad broke open a front window and climbed inside the burning house.  In short order, my father located the resident and pulled him to safety.  Acting out of a selfless love for others (an example of Philippians 2:3-4, NIV), my dad became the faith-filled superhero the resident of the home needed at just the right time.  Not seeking recognition, my father kept this story from my sister and me.  In fact, I only became aware of my dad’s heroism a few years ago when I stumbled upon a letter of commendation tucked among other important papers.  What a truly humble superhero for God!

Another Contemporary Example of a Faith-Filled Superhero

Earlier this week, Hurricane Ida slammed into the U.S. coastline in the Gulf of Mexico, wreaking havoc and sowing destruction in its wake.  Many people found themselves in a fight for survival amid the devastating floodwaters, prompting emergency rescues.  One group of rescuers is known as the Cajun Navy.

One morning during a recent news broadcast, a reporter interviewed a member of the Cajun Navy.  When asked why he conducts boat rescues, the man humbly responded, “Why not?  I have what is needed to help.”  This faith-filled superhero felt blessed to own a boat and called to use it to bless others (an example of Titus 3:14, NIV).  He did not wish to receive accolades but simply desired to be a servant of God.

The World Needs More Faith-Filled Superheroes

Lately, it seems as if divisiveness permeates every form of social media.  Some examples of topics around which divisiveness exists include the following: race, religion, gender, politics, economic status, food insecurity, homelessness, the pandemic and masks, etc.  The good news is God’s children are called to serve as the hands, feet, and voice of Christ in the world. (Check out the post Finding God’s Refuge in a Stranger’s Hospitality.) Essentially, every child of God is called in their own unique way to become a faith-filled superhero, following Jesus’s example.  However, where should one begin?

What Is Needed to Become a Faith-Filled Superhero?

Remember Jesus’s mission?  He came to love and save, and you can, too!  Value loving others like Jesus did (John 13:34; 15:12, NIV).  Allow yourself to find motivation only in eternal rewards (i.e., eternity in Heaven with God), not tangible ones (Matthew 6:19-20, NIV).  Finally, desire to make the world a better place using what God has provided you (1 Peter 4:10, NIV). Then, commit the following to memory:

If you ACT as a…

H – Help

E – Everyone

R – Regardless

O – Of differences

Then the RESULT is…

H – Helping to

E – Eternally

R – Reach

O – Others

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

God calls imperfect people to serve and fulfill His perfect plan.  As a beloved child of God, you are called to be the hands, feet, and voice of Christ in the world.  With Jesus’s example as a guiding light, ordinary people can do extraordinary things with all God provides.  Therefore, make the choice and become a faith-filled superhero the world needs.  No capes or costumes required!