Bountifully Grateful Through All of Life’s Colorful Seasons

Just like autumn’s vibrant quilt of colorful leaves blanketing trees in varying hues, things change. People change. Quite simply, change is inevitable (albeit a little scary at times, too). However, instead of living in fear and worry, what if people embraced change with childlike optimism and hope? After all, when people take time and reflect on God’s abundant blessings in their own lives, they soon discover many reasons for feeling bountifully grateful through all of life’s colorful seasons.

A Leaf’s Story

For a moment, I want you to tap into your “inner child” and imagine you are a leaf. From the instant you appeared on this earth, all you have ever known is your own special niche (or neighborhood), on a specific branch of a particular tree. This is your personal comfort zone in a much larger world.

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From your unique vantage point, your perspective is rather limited. Isn’t it? However, as you mature and enter into a new season of life, your leaf “body” begins changing. Although born green, you realize a transformation has begun. Before you realize it, both you and your “neighbors” have evolved into more vibrant versions of your former selves!

A little while later while enjoying a dance in the breeze, you notice a few of your “neighbors” have left the tree. As you observe their descent, your anxiety builds because you quickly realize your turn is coming! Even though you know the time is rapidly approaching when you must venture out into the world on your own, you still have trepidation.

Eventually, your time comes to experience a new kind of freedom. As you leave your comfortable niche, you lean into this new adventure that awaits! On your descent, your perspective changes with each passing second in ways you would have never thought possible. Although you remain unsure of all your future will hold, you realize change will happen. However, you decide to embrace whatever comes with a sense of curiosity and hope. After all, you know God specially made you and lovingly holds you in the palm of His hand, so there is nothing to fear, including change!

The Bigger Picture

Obviously, each of us is not a leaf! However, much can be gleaned from a leaf’s existence and stages. After all, parallels exist beneath the surface for all of God’s creation.

a close up shot of letter dice
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Whether we like it or not, change does, and will, continue happening. For those of us who like predictability or constancy, thoughts of change might evoke feelings of anxiety, unease, fear, and so on. However, when a person moves beyond their individual niche, or comfort zone, they start acquiring new and richer perspectives of the larger world around them.

As I alluded previously, no one knows what the future holds. However, each of us must decide how we will answer this question. Will I choose to live like the leaf in the story and embrace all of the color and vibrancy that come with changes in life?

Embracing Life’s Colorful Seasons and Being Bountifully Grateful

Dear friend, you did such a great job tapping into your “inner child” the last time I had you use your imagination! Therefore, let us do it one more time, as we explore some of life’s colorful seasons and how to experience a bounty of gratefulness. You can do it, and I will be with you every step of the way!

Some of Life’s Seasons of Change

crop woman packing box in bedroom
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

As we have already established, life is full of changes. Some are pleasant and some not so much. For example, think back to your first job or your first home (away from parents or guardians). Do you recall fond memories at these “firsts” in life? After all, these are exciting times!

Now, remember when your child(ren) left home, or your family moved its household. What feelings surface now? Has the tone changed? Might there be a mix of emotions, ranging anywhere from feelings of excited anticipation to uncertainty and loss?

Finally, have you or a loved one received a life-threatening diagnosis? How about a loved one departing this broken world for their eternal home? What emotions prevail now?

Grateful Amid Change

footprints left in wet sand
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As you can see, each person’s life, including yours and mine, brings with it an array of various changes throughout the seasons. Embracing the positive times while attempting to ignore or deflect the unpleasant ones through any means necessary (i.e., risky behaviors, etc.) is not only unrealistic but inadvisable. Why? Once the impact of an individual’s avoidance attempts wears off, the same unpleasant feelings often reemerge. Don’t they? Instead, the key to experiencing a bounty of gratefulness even in the most difficult of circumstances is allowing God to walk with you through it all.

God’s Influence on Gratefulness

The Constant in Life

Let us begin with James 1:17 (NIV), “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (bold and italics added for emphasis). This verse tells us changes will come and go in life, and some will include moments of darkness (i.e., “shifting shadows”). However, we should remember those difficult moments are only temporary. In fact, James reminds us to remain grateful even during the “shifting shadows.” Why? God the Father remains unchanged by the ravages of time, desiring to serve as a steady, constant presence in His children’s lives, including yours and mine.

The Living Water

small branch of tree in early spring
Photo by Green_grey Darya on

Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV) addresses the individual who seeks to live life with their sights set on the LORD and life eternal with Him. These verses explain, “…That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-whatever they do prospers” (bold and italics added for emphasis). When a tree is solidly planted and regularly watered, it grows and flourishes.

This Scripture reminds us of our connection to all of God’s creation. You see, by solidly planting oneself in God’s Word and regularly replenishing oneself through the study of Jesus’s teachings (a.k.a. The Living Water as referenced in John 7:37-39, NIV), a person grows in knowledge and wisdom, which ultimately influences their actions. Such personal, or spiritual, development pleases God and elicits an inherent sense of gratefulness in us. Why? Well, like the leaf’s story, our perspectives evolve. Through it all, our lives continue prospering (i.e., “yields its fruit”) despite the season.

A Season for Everything

According to Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 (NIV), “There is a time for everything…, and [God] has made everything beautiful in its time….” In fact, although “[n]o one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end,” we can take heart in the assurance He has provided for His children “a season for every activity under the heavens.” Did you catch that? Our loving, divine Creator has ensured His provisions for us, regardless of the season or the nature of events which unfold, both positive and negative. How comforting and what a reason for gratefulness! God knows we will encounter hardships and change, but He also promises He is The Way we get through it all.

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Change can be scary but is inevitable. Therefore, instead of living in fear and worry, I encourage you to embrace it with childlike optimism and hope. How? Spend time reflecting on all the ways God has abundantly blessed you throughout your life. Doing this will help you discover many reasons for feeling bountifully grateful through all of life’s colorful seasons. Thanks be to God for He is good!

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A Special Acknowledgment:

red leaf trees near the road

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