Energize Your Soul with “The One” True Power Source

“Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.” This slogan was used by my all-time favorite toys, any vintage set of Weebles. Hasbro manufactured these battery-free, egg-shaped toys in the early 1970s. Strange as it may seem, these nostalgic toys remind me of what it is like to live in Christ. Really? Yes. When a person makes Christ the Lord of their life, He energizes their soul by equipping them with a level of strength and resilience not found anywhere else. In fact, instead of getting knocked down for the count by overwhelming, unexpected challenges, people living in Christ possess the power to withstand and overcome whatever struggles come their way. Essentially, Jesus is “The One” true power source who will energize your soul, and no batteries are required!

An Example of An Energized Soul

I have a scenario I want you to visualize. It is Summer 2020. The Covid-19 virus has been spreading not only throughout the United States but around the world for the past six months or so. Within a few days of a joyous family gathering, a middle-aged woman learns both of her elderly parents have been hospitalized with the Covid-19 virus. As she digests the news, her brother begins showing symptoms and winds up hospitalized as well. Now, three of her family members are battling a virus with no known vaccine. Being a mother to a preteen daughter and wanting to provide a sense of normalcy, the woman continues her day-to-day responsibilities for the sake of her family.

Only a few days later as she goes about her day, the woman’s husband must be rushed to the hospital because he is struggling to breathe. Fortunately, her husband is placed on a ventilator in the nick of time. Returning home and still reeling from the barrage of recent family illnesses and hospitalizations, this mother decides she must forge ahead for her daughter.

Meanwhile, since both of this woman’s parents have compromised immune systems, they pass away within a couple of days of each other. While making funeral arrangements, she receives a call her brother (and only sibling) has just succumbed to the same virus which took the lives of her parents. How devastating! What does she do?

Realizing her husband is still on a ventilator and not yet out of danger, this woman does the only thing she knows how to do. She grabs her daughter and prays. Knowing God has already been where she is going, she prays to Jesus, Lord of her life, and asks Him to fortify her with the strength and resilience needed to face what is yet to come. She prays for her husband’s complete healing. Above all else, she prays to thank God for His many blessings in her life, including His never-ending faithfulness as well as all the precious moments spent with each family member.

Is The Visualization Scenario True?

This story is true. The events happened as described. Fortunately, the woman had grounded her life in faith. This same faith is what saved her, if you will, during the most traumatic and devastating period of her life. Despite losing both parents and her only sibling, she never felt alone. Why? She knew God was walking beside her every step of the way, nursing her broken heart and fortifying her soul at the same time. These divine gifts of strength and resilience were essential. After all, her husband remained in intensive care while she continued raising their daughter at home.

How Weebles Resemble Walking Faithfully in Christ

Regardless of how many times they got knocked down, Weebles bounced back. Every. Single. Time. The same is true when a person walks faithfully in Christ. Just like Weebles, the woman in the previous scenario encountered a barrage of knockdowns (i.e., heartbreaks). First knockdown, her mother passed. Second knockdown, her father passed. Just days later the third knockdown, her only sibling passed. Fourth knockdown, her husband battles Covid-19 in intensive care while on a ventilator. Notice the woman did not remain knocked down. Sure, she may have had the wind taken out of her with each subsequent knockdown, but she continued to plug into “The One” true power source and kept going. How? She frequently and fervently prayed. What was the result? The Lord blessed her with enough strength and resilience to continue getting up each day to carry out her parental, professional, and familial duties (i.e., remaining in contact with the intensive care unit for updates on her husband while maintaining as much normalcy as possible for her child’s sake).

A Personal Story of Plugging into “The One” Truly Divine and Eternal Power Source

Have you ever known someone like the woman in the previous scenario? Despite experiencing an inordinate amount of struggles in life, the person handles everything with peace, grace, and gratitude. Furthermore, regardless of the circumstances, the individual approaches everything with an unshakable strength and resilience. Perhaps, encountering someone like this has left you a bit perplexed. How does this person keep it together emotionally? Where do they find the strength to get back up each time they are knocked down?

On my faith journey, I have had the privilege to know people like the woman in our scenario. Years ago when I felt overwhelmed and lost, I prayed to the One I knew could help me. I asked Him to place a particular person in my path from whom I could receive much-needed guidance. What do you think happened? Much to my astonishment (which I should not be surprised), God placed this person in the dairy section at the grocery store at the precise moment I went to buy milk! In fact, this happened within a few hours of praying. No kidding! After almost an hour of uninterrupted, heartfelt conversation, she imparted the wisdom I needed to hear. In the end, the strength and guidance I so desperately needed fueled a sense of resiliency deep within my soul. This type of power originates in only one place, or rather in the One. God energized my soul, and all it took was for me to plug into “The One” true power source. Then, He took care of the rest!

How Scripture Describes the Lord’s Divine Power in Times of Difficulty

First of all, everyone encounters painful moments at various times throughout their lives. This is simply unavoidable. Adding insult to injury, people cannot predict, or prevent, bad things from happening. What they can do, however, is control their reaction, or response, when such situations occur. Will they choose hope and joy or anger and resentment? What makes all the difference in the world is which power source they choose to replenish their hurting souls. Things of this world or God’s kingdom?

Peter the Apostle tells us, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis). Notice Peter acknowledges God’s divine power. Humbly surrendering your life to God allows Him to reign supreme as Lord of your life. When you relinquish any perceived control to Christ, you no longer need to worry about things, including challenges of any kind. That is precisely why Peter did not distinguish which concerns are to be directed to God. No. Instead, he says to place “all your anxiety” with “The One” truly divine power source. After all, nothing is too difficult or overwhelming for God (Jeremiah 32:17, NIV).

Why should we give God all of our worries, hurts, etc.? Here is the Lord’s explanation in His own words. He says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness…” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis).

Paul the Apostle follows up the Lord’s message with his own explanation of why we should remain filled with joy even in the midst of the darkest of moments. He writes, “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis). Despite the two millennia since Paul’s letter to God’s followers in Corinth, the types of challenges faced by humankind remain relatively unchanged. Notice Paul emphasizes the importance of choosing joy in the midst of hardship for Christ’s sake. Why? Paul explains Christians can still feel joy by remembering, “…Christ’s power may rest on [them]” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV). The result is we are made stronger through “The One” true power source. God’s divine power is glorified and made perfect through our weakest moments. Thanks be to God!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

When a person makes Christ the Lord of their life, He energizes their soul and equips them with strength and resilience not found anywhere else. Instead of allowing overwhelming, unexpected challenges to keep you down, remain in Christ and experience the power to withstand and overcome any struggle which comes your way. Just remember Jesus is “The One” true power source who will energize your soul. The best part is…no batteries needed!

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