Exercising Your Gratitude “Muscles” Even in Dark Times

Gratitude Muscles?

Have you ever considered feeling gratitude during dark, difficult times? My dear friend, I assure you I am not kidding. Gratitude is possible (and even essential) in all situations and circumstances, but it requires discipline in exercising your gratitude “muscles” even during dark times.

For many people, exercising is a necessary evil. Exercising takes time and dedication but also provides challenges and pain. Those individuals disciplined enough to stick with exercising, however, will eventually reap the rewards. The same is true for gratitude and exercising your gratitude “muscles.”

Dark Times in Today’s World

Well, for more than a year and a half, the world has lived (and continues to do so in some places) through some very dark times. The Covid-19 virus unleashed a pandemic of unfathomable destruction on a global scale. Amid the virus’s cataclysmic impact, humankind was left reeling at the aftermath of such historic proportions. No one escaped Covid’s reach. No one. Lives were lost, shattered, and forever changed.

Loved ones and recovering victims are left to pick up the pieces, take the necessary steps toward healing (mentally and physically), and begin creating a new sense of normal. With so much lost, how can one possibly find gratitude, let alone live into it? This is where faith enters the picture.

Having Faith and Choosing Gratitude

Living in faith does not mean everything is great all the time. Simply put, living in faith means you trust The Creator in having your back no matter what. Not just hoping things will eventually work out for good but knowing they will! Honestly, this is easier said than done at times. When moments of difficulty and pain arise, you must choose to have faith in God’s promises and, subsequently, gratitude for them. The more you choose to look for things for which to be thankful (exercising your gratitude “muscles”), the more you will find the gift of gratitude…even in dark times!

A Personal Example of Finding the Gift of Gratitude

Recently, I reunited with my parents for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic began. I could have focused on how much time I lost with my aging parents as well as missing those loved ones who are no longer here. Let us face facts. The truth is I am human and prone, on occasion, to focus on the negative (like most people). However, although focusing on the negative could have been my reaction, it was not. I chose gratitude.

During the visit with my folks, my heart overflowed with gratitude. I am so grateful for health, scientific advancements (the vaccines and other medical interventions), a chance to feel my parents’ arms embrace me, and the opportunity to celebrate my mom’s birthday. Truthfully, I am grateful for many more things, but I will not overwhelm you with my Santa-like list! The point is, if I had focused solely on the dark times over the past year and a half, I would have missed out on all the blessings gifted by God.

Results When One Exercises Gratitude “Muscles”

Think of it this way… When a person chooses gratitude, they are exercising their mind to seek out and find things for which to be grateful. Just like any form of exercise, choosing gratitude takes work (and sometimes a lot of it). However, similar to building a habit of regular exercise, exercising your gratitude “muscles” produces powerful results.

Remember I shared with you how, on occasion, I have been guilty of focusing on a negative perspective instead of choosing gratitude? Now, I make a concerted effort to exercise my gratitude “muscles” daily. Yes, daily. What have been the results?

Well, as it just so happens, a couple of weeks ago I was in a conversation with someone who focused on a negative perspective. After listening and carefully considering my response, I shared positive thoughts in accordance with a gratitude mindset. Much to my utter astonishment, this individual grew frustrated with me and said in an agitated tone, “You are always looking at the positive instead of finding the negative in situations! Sometimes there is only negative!”

This shocking moment provided an epiphany and reinforced for me how a person really can grow and strengthen their gratitude “muscles” even in dark times. Apparently, my gratitude “muscles” are growing stronger! Another concept also struck me like a lightning bolt. The opposite is also true. Negative thoughts will breed negative thoughts if left unchecked. Therefore, the key is to choose gratitude!

Exercising Gratitude “Muscles” Acts as a Powerful Witness to Others

My church supports an outreach program for the houseless population in Nashville called Room in the Inn. Every winter from November through March my church commits to sheltering and feeding houseless individuals on the weekends. Mine is just one of many churches which provide this service.

As one might expect, the men from Room in the Inn come from a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and belief systems. Although I have worked alongside others to help the houseless men by providing them a warm bed, clothing, showering facilities, and food, I believe the men have helped me, too. They have challenged my way of thinking (and perceiving) through the witness of their gratitude.

Some of my most memorable, and transformative, conversations with the Room in the Inn guests have occurred during dinner time. There is something powerful about sitting together in fellowship with one another over a meal. I have never ceased to be amazed at the openness with which some of the gentlemen speak. Not only do they share about their struggles (i.e., criminal past, addiction, family dynamics, work challenges, health issues, etc.), but they also share the light they find amid their dark circumstances. What light?

Despite not having much by society’s definition, quite a few of the houseless men have shared with me about their relationships with God. They have frequently commented how they feel God with them no matter how bleak their situation. Honestly, in those moments I have found myself in complete awe and humbled at their strength and gratitude. These men embody what it means to exercise your gratitude “muscles” even during dark times. Truly inspiring and what a powerful witness!

Scripture Reminds Us to Live with Gratitude

God never promised His children a life without pain and struggle. In fact, Jesus all but guarantees we will face difficulties and challenges throughout our lives when He says, “…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV).

Encountering hard times may seem daunting. After all, we are only human. However, we can be rest assured in knowing Christ promises to be there beside us through it all. Scripture supports this by stating, “…Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9, NIV). Wherever we go? Yes, dark times included.

As God’s beloved child, receive the strength only He can provide and then face whatever dark times come your way with gratitude. Yes, allow yourself to feel gratitude for His strength as well as the comfort of knowing He will be there beside you through it all. No matter what.

Feeling gratitude during the darkest moments in our lives is extremely difficult, and some may argue impossible. However, Paul, Silas, and Timothy remind us, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis). Yes, live with gratitude even during dark times.

Final Thoughts and a Call to Action

God never promised us a life without difficult, dark times. He does, however, expect us to give thanks in all circumstances. This is not optional. Our Creator provides us all we need to live a life of gratitude. All we must do is seek Him in prayer and Scripture to find the strength we need to exercise our gratitude “muscles” and make them strong. You can do it, dear friend. As with any exercise program, you must make the choice and then begin. So, for what do you have gratitude?