“Fireworks” of Faith Illuminate Life for Others

Globally, fireworks serve as outward representations of joyful celebrations. Ringing in a new year. Winning a sporting event. Acknowledging a country’s independence. However, what if I said people can possess some of the same characteristics as fireworks? No kidding! After all, what about those special individuals who boldly live and serve as “fireworks” of faith, letting their light shine despite the darkness around them? Join me as we explore how “fireworks” of faith illuminate life for others, including you!

Diversity in Fireworks and People

multicolored fireworks
Photo by Jonas Von Werne on Pexels.com

Fireworks come in all different colors, shapes, and sizes, just like people. Despite obvious differences, each one possesses the capacity to brilliantly illuminate and bring forth their own unique version of light. Think of it this way. No one who watches fireworks hopes to see the same firework repeated for the duration of the show. Am I right? After all, it would not be much of a grand finale, would it? Therefore, God created each one of us as a unique masterpiece, or light, for shining brightly in the world!

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Photo by Ivan Bertolazzi on Pexels.com

In a message to Christ’s followers in Corinth, Apostle Paul explains, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6, NIV) (see also Romans 12:6, NIV). Essentially, the Creator designed each of us for intentional diversity! He wants us to shine brightly in our own unique way, on purpose!

Looking Up

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Watching fireworks requires looking up toward the heavens. Individuals who live as “fireworks” of faith keep their gaze upon their heavenly Father and strive to seek Him first in all things. How do they do this? According to Scripture, each of us is told, “Set your minds on things that are above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:2, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis). Going a step further, 1 Chronicles 16:11 (ESV) tells us, “Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually” (bold and italics added for emphasis). Did you catch that? God’s children are called to focus on Him through all things and at all times through spending time with Him in prayer and studying His Word.

Illuminating Life

silhouette image of person praying
Photo by Rodolfo Clix on Pexels.com

How is illuminating one’s life possible? When someone chooses to accept Christ as Savior and make Him Lord of their life, a new spiritual life begins. Eventually, as a person’s knowledge grows about the Truth and the Way, they desire to forge a deeper, personal relationship with Christ, Himself. How? Regularly spending time through worship, prayer, and study provides a framework and knowledge, of sorts, for growing closer in relationship with Him. When someone chooses to follow His Way, their own inner light begins to quell any darkness, which will surface at different times in life. As a new, transformative way of living emerges, the individual wants to share the Good News with others, thus becoming a “firework” of faith.

Sparklers vs. Fireworks

person holding sparkler silhouette
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels.com

When a child of God fills their soul with His Word, they go forth and shine in the world. Their lives emit an inner light, like a sparkler. However, when God’s children join other faithful followers in worship, fellowship, and service to others, the power found in participating in a faith community fuels the intensity of their light, making it grow even brighter, like fireworks.

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Fireworks shine brightly for all to witness while also sparking feelings of joy and awe. As this post illuminates, people can possess some of the same characteristics as fireworks, particularly those who boldly live and serve as “fireworks” of faith. These individuals choose to shine their inner light, despite any dark circumstances which may surround them. So, how are you going to let your light shine for others as mighty “fireworks” of faith?

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A Special Acknowledgment:

man with fireworks
Feature Image by Rakicevic Nenad on Pexels.com
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