God’s Blessings and Beautiful Beginnings

Everything we have and everything we are comes from God, the Creator of all things. As such, The Father’s children, including you, are called to use all they have (God’s blessings) to grow His kingdom on earth. However, there is a catch. Yes, you read this correctly. There is a catch because intentions matter. Our intentions. The Father’s intentions. God intends His beloved children use their gifts to bless others for His glory not theirs. Therefore, join me as we explore the connection between God’s blessings and beautiful beginnings.

Am I Enough?

a close up shot of silver letter beads
Photo by Polina Kovaleva on Pexels.com

Have you ever wondered, Am I enough? The answer is a resounding YES! Why? Simply put, God lovingly created and equipped you with a unique combination of gifts. There is not, nor will there ever be, another person exactly like you! In fact, the Creator perfectly designed you to accomplish His special plan for you in this life. Therefore, the best you can do is what you can with what you have. Then, trust He will take care of the rest!

A True Example of Blessings Becoming Beginnings

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Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

One thing a person cannot control is their DNA. Admittedly, this is not a problem until it is. Am I right?! Recently, this scenario played out in my family tree. A health challenge facing many people in my family has been liver disease. In fact, I have already had one relative succumb to it, and another was in dire need of a transplant. Did you catch that? My cousin was in need of a transplant. Due to God’s grace and another person using their blessings to the fullest (literally), my cousin received his much-needed transplant and a renewed chance at life!

Parallels Between My Cousin’s Story and Scripture

My Cousin
My Cousin

Following my cousin’s journey from possibly dying of liver disease to receiving the gift of new life from an anonymous organ donor, I could not help but acknowledge the parallels between his story and Scripture. Yes, my cousin eventually received a liver transplant, but it was not his first attempt. This is where the connection to Scripture begins.

Struggling to breathe and in desperate need of a new liver, my cousin received the call he had been anxiously awaiting. Can you imagine hearing on the other end of the phone something to the effect of, “Come to the hospital now to receive your new liver?” Simply lifechanging! Well, it should have been, but things in life do not always go as planned. Do they?

After rushing to the hospital and completing preparations for the transplant surgery, my cousin found himself back in his car, returning home without a new liver. The liver he thought he would receive ended up unviable. Now, imagine finding yourself on the receiving end of such shattering news. Simply devastating.

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Scripture reminds God’s children, including you and me, challenges will exist in life. However, we should take heart because Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33, NIV). Even though each of us will face difficult times, we should not grow discouraged because God promises He will remain with us through it all (Joshua 1:9, NIV; Deuteronomy 31:6,8, NIV).

Although things may not always go as planned, like in my cousin’s situation, we must keep the faith and remember God is in control! His plan is always greater than anything His children could comprehend. Trust Him, and you will see! My cousin did, and about a week later he received a new liver!

Always Prepared and Vigilant

Just like someone waiting to receive an organ transplant and the chance for a new (healthy) life, God’s children must always remain prepared and vigilant. After all, no one knows when God will call them home to their new eternal life. Therefore, each of us must prepare ourselves daily and to the best of our ability for when the time arrives.

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Photo by nappy on Pexels.com

As a child of God, how can you make the necessary preparations and remain vigilant? First, prepare yourself spiritually. How? Draw near to God through studying His Word, maintaining open dialogue with Him through prayer, and worshipping with other believers. In addition, remain vigilant for opportunities to glorify Him by serving others with the blessings He has gifted you. In the process of using your unique God-given blessings, you create beautiful beginnings for others, both spiritually and physically.

Using All You Have Until God Calls You Home

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Photo by Lukas on Pexels.com

Organ donors (and their families) exemplify what it means (literally) to selflessly use all God has given them until the very end of their earthly lives, and they do it for His glory. What a true act of faith and trust! You see, once an organ donor has returned to their eternal home, God uses their loving, selfless gift of life and takes it the rest of the way. Did you catch that? Just like organ donors, each of us must trust that as long as we do what we can with what we have and for as long as we can, it will be enough even if we never witness the results.

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Everything you have and everything you are comes from God, the Creator of all things. As a child of God, you are called to use all He has given you to glorify Him by growing His kingdom on earth. When you do, you will begin experiencing the connection between God’s blessings and beautiful beginnings. So, how will you use your special and unique gifts today?

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Special Acknowledgments:

Featured image created by Sals on Pexels.com.

Also, I would like to extend my most sincere, heartfelt gratitude to not only my cousin’s organ donor but to all of those who have signed up to serve as organ donors as well as their loved ones. Unconditionally loving others by giving the gift of life, you are truly heroes! Thank you and may God bless you!