How to Discern Ways God Speaks

Declaring God speaks to you will invoke a plethora of reactions from others. Some may look at you in awe and wish they would experience the same thing. While some may view your declaration as wishful thinking, others will simply think you are crazy! The key to unraveling this mystery is learning how to discern ways God speaks.

The Initial Spark

Why this topic? Why now? Well, over the past couple of weeks and over several exchanges, I have found myself faced with explaining whether God speaks to me and, if so, how I know. Although the person desired an answer, they were clearly unsure of what to make of my response. All of this got me thinking. If this individual wondered how to discern when God speaks, others probably feel the same way. The initial spark to delve deeper into this topic was ignited!

Before we go any further, I humbly and honestly (with full transparency) want you to know God speaks to me, and He has on more occasions than I can remember. However, His method of delivery and timing vary, depending on His sense of urgency. Please know I share this with you not to boast. Not at all. Instead, it is my sincerest wish to give you hope by sharing my own experience and letting you know the same is possible for you, too.

Methods of Delivery

Remember how I said God’s method of delivery varies? It does, depending upon the circumstances. The important thing to note is the following avenues He uses for communication are not presented in any particular order.

Lyrics or Other Printed Material

How many times have you been listening to the radio and heard a particular song, which sparks something inside you? Perhaps the lyrics surprisingly seem to address something about which you have been praying. Is it a coincidence or God speaking?

K-LOVE Radio Station Logo from

Several years ago, my youngest son introduced me to K-LOVE, a contemporary Christian music radio station. From that moment on, if you were to catch a glimpse of me inside my car, you would probably find me listening to praise music and singing at the top of my lungs. Otherwise, I might be praying (with my eyes open while driving, of course!). Regardless, on several occasions while in the midst of praying to God about something which has been weighing me down, a song comes on the radio with lyrics which specifically address my prayer. Immediately afterward, peace and gratitude fill my soul.

Photo of Lauren Daigle on

Other individuals have also received God’s messages through lyrics. In November 2021, my husband and I attended a Lauren Daigle concert. During her concert, statements of gratitude from Lauren’s fans were projected onto giant screens for all to read. These quotes were not what you might expect. Instead, each one served as a life-changing, Christian testimony.

One particular story has remained with me since that night. A young woman was on the verge of ending her life. In fact, she was in her car on the side of the road, ready to drive directly into the path of an oncoming vehicle. Just as she prepared to hit the gas pedal, Lauren’s song titled “You Say” began playing on the radio, instantly stopping this young lady from carrying out her life-ending plan. Putting the car into park, she sat in silence, listening to the lyrics’ powerful message. What she heard healed her hurting soul.

Other People and the Holy Spirit

In previous posts, I have discussed how each one of us should seek to serve others by being the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus in the world. When someone follows a gut feeling, or the Holy Spirit’s nudging (see post titled “Immeasurable Power Borne out of the Holy Spirit’s Nudging”), He will guide them into helping others as He sees fit. When God speaks in these moments, each of us must remember He knows best (even if it means leaving your comfort zone) (see post titled “A Valuable Life Lesson from a Hummingbird”). After all, He hears His children’s prayers and may choose you to be an answer to someone else’s!

Weighed down by overwhelming grief after my sister’s passing, I prayed earnestly for God to put a particular person in my path. This woman was someone I knew had also experienced the loss of a sibling, and I sought her for guidance and comfort. Weakened emotionally, I did not feel I had the energy to seek her out on my own.

woman with face mask holding yellow bananas
Photo by Anna Tarazevich on

Later that day, I went to the grocery store for milk. As I approached the dairy section, everything seemed eerily quiet. No employees. Only one customer. Reaching the milk refrigerators, I realized the only other person present was the one person about whom I had prayed to God.

Grateful to God for answering my prayer, I took full advantage of this much-needed moment. As we talked, the heavy weight of my grief started to dissipate, making room for more joyful memories of my sister. God was in the midst of helping me heal. Now, some people might say this was a mere coincidence. However, this unplanned encounter occurred within two hours of asking God for it in prayer. In addition, this woman and I spoke for approximately 45 minutes during a typically busy time of the day, but the entire time not a single person entered that part of the store!

God’s Word

Regularly spending time in God’s Word provides a wealth of knowledge about ways He speaks to His children. In fact, over 2,000 references are made in the Old Testament about God speaking directly to people (see article titled “Faith Forum: Does God speak directly to humans?”). Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, and others received messages from God, which guided them on their faith journeys.

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Photo by Rodolfo Clix on

According to the New Testament Gospels, God only spoke audibly on three occasions. The first was at Jesus’s baptism when “a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased'” (Matthew 3:17, NIV). God’s voice was heard again during the Transfiguration when “…a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!'” (Matthew 17:5, NIV).

Finally, God audibly speaks right before Jesus’s crucifixion. According to Scripture, Jesus says, “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!” (John 12:27-28, NIV). In response, “… [A] voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and will glorify it again'” (John 12:28, NIV). Was Jesus the only individual who heard God speak in that moment? God’s Word tells us, “The crowd that was there…heard it…” (John 12:29, NIV). This leads us to the next way God speaks, which is audibly!


Do you think God only spoke aloud during Biblical times? Not at all! For me, He has audibly spoken on four occasions. In my experience, God chooses to audibly speak in moments of big change, or transition, in my life.

The first time I heard His voice was in response to fervent prayer. I knew I needed to change career paths, but I did not know what to do. After months of praying, I received an answer, and the delivery method was certainly unexpected. While out running errands in the car with my husband, a voice spoke clearly into my right ear and said, “Krista, you are to become a teacher.” In that very instant, a flood of peace washed over me, and I said, “Okay, God.”

close up of woman ear on black background
Photo by Diana Trivia on

Since first hearing God’s voice, I returned to college and earned both an undergraduate and master’s degree in education. Then, I worked as an elementary school teacher for almost twenty years. I certainly did not want to disappoint God, after all! However, God had other plans for me.

In October 2015, God audibly spoke in my right ear for the second time. He said, “Krista, you are now meant to write.” How was I supposed to do that? After all, a new school year had already started. Well, where there is God’s Will, He will make a way, and He did!

The other two times I heard God’s voice involved a big move, requiring a relocation. After what He told me in October 2015, I shared the news with my husband. Together, we decided three things. My husband would open himself up to the possibility of a promotion, which might require relocation. (He previously turned down opportunities because we wanted to remain in one place, so our sons had consistency and stability.) As for me, I would leave teaching at the end of the school year to pursue writing. Most importantly, we agreed God would be our guide through the process, and He did through a new job, a relocation, and a new home!

Heavenly Messengers and Dreams

Just like accounts described in Scripture, God speaks through His heavenly messengers, or angels. For example, Archangel Gabriel came to Mary and told her she would give birth to the Messiah (Luke 1:26-38, NIV). However, God spoke to Mary’s betrothed, Joseph, in a dream (Matthew 1:18-25, NIV). He employs these delivery methods even today.

In the post titled “When God’s Heavenly Helpers Give the Gift of Life”, I share a story of when one of God’s heavenly messengers woke me up in the middle of the night to impart life-saving information. To date, this remains the only time the message I received was communicated telepathically. The best way to describe the experience is to say I heard the message, which originated in front of me, as clear as day. However, the only difference was it was inaudible. Ultimately, the news I received that night did save a life! Whose? My dad’s!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

God speaks to His children. Fact or opinion? Initially, if you held even a sliver of skepticism, hopefully the authentic examples shared in this post have provided greater insight into ways God speaks. As His child, God loves you abundantly and desires to communicate with you! Just remember His methods of delivery and timing vary. Therefore, stay patient, keep the faith, and remain open to whatever way He chooses to speak. He will connect with you!

Special Acknowledgment:

Feature image by Min An on

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