How to Glorify God in the Mundane

Perhaps you are familiar with the old adage, which says, “Be happy with what you have instead of wishing for what you don’t.” What about this one? “The grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence).” Both sentiments recognize the human mind’s fallibility. How? Essentially, people have a natural tendency to compare themselves and their circumstances with others. The Creator knows this about His children, and He wants us to find joy in all circumstances. Therefore, join me as we explore examples of how to glorify God in the mundane.

Everything Comes from God

christ the redeemer
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on

Before examining ways to glorify God in the most mundane of situations, it is paramount God’s children acknowledge “… everything comes from [God] and exists by his power and is intended for his glory” (Romans 11:36, NLT).  Notice the three key elements in this powerful statement. First, absolutely everything you have, and will ever have, has one singular origin. God. Some people want to believe it is solely through their own ability and hard work, which afford them all they have. However, Scripture reminds humanity all we will ever have originates from the Creator, Himself.

The second key element in Romans 11:36 (NLT) establishes God’s divinity. How? Well, not only does all we have come from God, but what He gives us can only exist through His divine power. Not merely the result of an individual’s ability, skill, and hard work. No. Everything exists because the Creator’s divine, almighty power has willed it.

photo of child reading holy bible
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Perhaps the final key element in this verse is one which, arguably, often gets overlooked. You see, all God gives His children is intended for His glory when it is used. According to James in a message originally intended for the twelve tribes of Israel, but whose words remain just as relevant today, “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” (James 1:17, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis). Therefore, I assert “every gift” includes all talents, skills, and resources given to us by God.

In Matthew 25:14-30 (NIV), Jesus teaches His followers by using a parable about talents. Although no two people receive the exact same composition of talents from God, each individual holds the same worth, or value, to the Creator. According to the parable, Jesus explains what matters to God is how each person uses what the Father has bestowed upon them. Essentially, are they using their God-given gifts to glorify Him (i.e., helping others and growing His kingdom on Earth)?

A Restaurant Story: Let Us Pray

positive waitress carrying plate with delicious food
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

On Mother’s Day several years ago, I had the unique pleasure of gathering with my parents for lunch at a local restaurant. As the waitress prepared to leave our table after delivering our food, I asked her if she had anything specific for which we could pray. Her response was nothing short of poignant. Completely taken by surprise, our waitress stood speechless. Then, as if searching for the right words, she stammered and, eventually, replied in a rather timid voice, “No. I have everything I need.” Undeterred, I commented how blessed we were to have her serve us and prayed for her anyway. Walking away, her demeanor communicated volumes. Her expression acknowledged she had been truly seen, appreciated, and valued.

In that moment, Ephesians 6:18 (NIV) took on a life of its own through action. After all, this verse tells us, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (bold and italics added for emphasis). Notice, Scripture does not tell us to pray only when we are comfortable and alone. Not at all. Instead, God’s children should remain alert at all times for opportunities to pray for all people, even while visiting a restaurant.

A Grocery Store Example: Living by More Than Bread Alone

A faith-filled woman, Louise, shared a story of witness with my church and explained the indelible mark the moment has left upon her heart. One afternoon she found herself carrying out a very mundane task, grocery shopping. After successfully completing her shopping list, Louise joined a checkout lane. While placing her items on the belt, she noticed the lady in front of her had planned to purchase a gift card and carrots, in addition to several other items. At the Holy Spirit’s urging (similar to the post “Immeasurable Power Borne out of the Holy Spirit’s Nudging”), Louise picked up the gift card and the bag of carrots. Then, she promptly declared her intent to pay for the items.

a person paying with a bank card
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The customer’s response was not what Louise expected. Not at all. Hearing Louise’s plan to pay for a couple of her items, the female customer spun around, grabbed the gift card out of Louise’s hand, and bluntly said, “No.”

Anyone who knows Louise will tell you she has an effervescent personality and overflowing love for God and His children. Keeping this in mind, what do you think Louise did? Well, she took the gift card back from the customer (of course) and said, “Yes, I really want to do this for you.” Without missing a beat, the customer defiantly replied, “No, I cannot let you do that.” Upon hearing this, Louise asked the obvious question, “Why not?” The answer she received was anything but obvious. The customer responded, “I do not deserve it.”

What a declaration the customer made to Louise! She did not feel worthy for someone to do something nice for her. Well, remember how I mentioned Louise has an overflowing love for God and His children? She lives out Matthew 5:16 (NIV) in all she does. As this verse teaches, “…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Can you guess what happened next? Louise took this exchange a step farther, seizing the moment to witness about God’s love. In that moment, she brought Romans 3:23 (NIV) to life for this customer. After all, Christ died on the cross, so our sins may be forgiven. He did this for us even though we, just like the customer, are undeserving!

A Homemaking Story: Managing It All

Does anyone actually wake up in the morning with an unbridled excitement for housework? Respectfully, I would argue, probably not. However, Scripture tells us, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis). Right about now you are probably wondering how this verse relates to the mundane task of housework. Am I right?

a person washing dishes
Photo by Liliana Drew on

Earlier in this post, we discussed how everything we have comes from God. Embracing this truth, each of us should prioritize caring for what God has entrusted to us. This includes nurturing our relationships with our spouse, children, other family, and friends. Likewise, maintaining a loving, clean, safe, happy, and healthy home environment is paramount. As you see, by completing even the most mundane of tasks (i.e., housework), you are honoring and thanking God for all His gifts in your life!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Although people have a tendency to compare themselves and their situations with others, God wants His children to experience joy in all circumstances. After exploring various ways to give Almighty God the glory, we know opportunities exist in even the most unassuming moments. Now, thinking about your own life, how will you choose to glorify God in the mundane?