How to Know God is Real When You Cannot See Him

Is God real because I cannot see Him? How am I supposed to talk to someone I cannot see? I believe in the tangible, so why should I believe in God? Nonbelievers often use these types of questions to justify their dismissal of God. However, Christians serve as witnesses of the living God to a broken world. Therefore, let us explore ways to explain to someone who does not yet know Christ how to know God is real when you cannot see Him.

An Exercise in Questioning the Reality of God’s Presence

judgement scale and gavel in judge office
Photo by Sora Shimazaki on

Imagine sitting in a court room and having to provide evidence as to the existence (or nonexistence) of God Almighty. As a teenager, I participated with my youth group in just such an activity. To this day, I cannot recall which side of the debate I was assigned. Nevertheless, what I do remember is the evidence given of God’s presence.

One explanation, proving God’s existence, resonated with me above the rest. Are you ready for it? Here it is. You can see His presence, or very essence, in Creation. For example, let us examine the meteorological concept of wind. After all, no one can actually see wind, but people still feel the wind and witness its effects. Ranging from a gentle breeze to wind gusts and, perhaps, gale-force winds, God’s creation of wind causes rustling leaves, swaying branches, and singing windchimes, all of which are visible manifestations of Him.

Nature’s Proof of God’s Divine Existence

No one can replicate what God, alone, can do. Unfortunately, many people want to believe things are completely within their control, or sphere of influence. However, despite granting His children free will to make potentially life-altering choices, God’s divine will ultimately prevails. For nonbelievers, the concept of God’s influence, let alone presence, over their lives seems almost too fanciful to comprehend. So, how then might someone witness to His existence?

question mark on paper crafts
Photo by Olya Kobruseva on

Much can be learned about God (including His essence, power, and divinity) by spending time in nature. Therefore, let us revisit the impact of wind and discover hidden lessons for humanity. If an individual wants to move multiple trees, they must tend to one tree at a time. In contrast, through the power of wind, God moves multitudes of trees all at once and throughout the world at the same time, an impossible feat for one individual!

Now, imagine each tree represents a different person or place around the globe. When individuals affect change in the world, they must tackle tasks one-at-a-time. However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, God moves fluidly anywhere and anytime He is needed. Why? Simply put, man cannot do what God can, providing proof of His powerful presence!

God’s Presence in Light

Just like the wind, light reflects God’s divine existence. How? Well, He designed humans with the ability to see and appreciate His creation. However, limits exist in the forms of light people can see. In fact, some light wavelengths remain invisible to the naked eye. These include ultraviolet light, infrared light, radio waves, x-rays, microwaves, and gamma rays.

Essentially, just because a person cannot see certain types of light does not make their existence any less real. In fact, instead of disproving God’s presence, continued scientific advances appear to support His very existence! God is real!

Jesus: Human and Son of God

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Photo by Rodolfo Clix on

Jesus was, is, and always will be the Greatest Role Model of All Time. Walking the earth as the Son of God, Jesus demonstrated for humanity how to distinguish between what one person can do, compared to the infinite possibilities of Almighty God.

The human side of Jesus showed how one person can make a positive difference in the world, and He did this one person at a time. Jesus also exerted a positive influence in various situations, as He traveled with His disciples from one place to other. In human form, Jesus was never present everywhere simultaneously.

Living as a human, however, did not circumvent Jesus’s divinity as the Son of God. Before ascending to Heaven, Jesus, one part of the Holy Trinity, addressed His disciples. According to Scripture, Christ tells them, “…I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49, NIV).

Just like Luke’s Gospel, the Gospel of John affirms God exists in the form of the Holy Spirit. Scripture records Jesus as saying, “When the Advocate [the Holy Spirit] comes, whom I will send to you from the Father – the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father – he will testify about me” (John 15:26, NIV).

Scriptural Account of God’s Presence Evident through Wind

Scripture recounts the Holy Spirit’s arrival as a powerful wind. In fact, Apostle Paul describes the Holy Spirit’s appearance to Jesus’s disciples by saying, “And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting… All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (Acts 2:2,4, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis).

The Proof is out There

At the very heart of faith is the unwavering belief in things unseen. Followers of Christ are called into a life of faithful (or rather faith-filled) witness. Nestled at the very heart of a believer’s mission is to faithfully love and serve the bent and broken. For many, especially nonbelievers and the unchurched, these encounters serve as, perhaps, the only opportunity to learn about, or experience, the unconditional love and grace of the living God.

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Followers of Christ are called to serve as witnesses of the living God to a broken world. This is a weighty responsibility. Isn’t it, dear friend? Well, God equips those whom He calls. One way He does this is through His often-overlooked creation (i.e., wind and light). With these and other examples from your own life experience, how will you introduce someone to Christ? How will you let them know God is real even when He cannot be seen? Just remember the Holy Spirit exists as your divine advocate, sent to you from God Almighty to assist you in witnessing to others He is real!

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A Special Acknowledgement

Source of the Holy Trinity visual located on Trinity – Wikipedia