Living Life to the Fullest

Is the glass half empty or half full? Regardless of your answer, something of substance exists in the glass. Now, what if the glass’s contents represent a person’s life? How they choose to use what they have (regardless of the amount) makes all the difference. Perspective matters. Therefore, as God’s beloved children, each of us should focus on living life to the fullest.

Perspective Makes All the Difference in Witness

An individual’s perspective directly influences their witness. For example, life does not solely entail what people perceive as the best parts. Not at all. In fact, the Creator intends for His children’s lives to encompass everything, including the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. As such, He desires for each of us to live every moment to its fullest, including witnessing to others through the most difficult moments as well as until the very end. How is this even possible?

Is Your Glass (Life) Half Empty or Half Full?

clear drinking glass filled with water
Photo by Stephan Müller on

In many instances, as a person’s earthly life dwindles down to its final precious moments, God’s most powerful work can, and should, continue. After all, the life the Father has gifted you spans from the moment He conceived you and your purpose until your last earthly breath, including everything in between. All He needs from you is faith, trust, and obedience. Then, He will guide you until His plan for your life reaches fruition.

Real-Life Stories of Individuals Living Their Lives to the Fullest

Real-life spiritual superheroes, who chose to live their best life until the very end, come from all walks of life. Their ages vary in length, too. Let us explore the powerful impact of these superheroes of faith.


My Sister, Becky

“You finish what you start. There is no other choice. You finish what you start.” Prophetic words uttered by my sister, Becky, only a week before she returned to her eternal home. As Becky and I had always been taught, actions speak louder than words. Well, hers was a powerful witness until the very end of her earthly life!

Although Becky’s earthly journey only spanned 33 years, she served as a mighty witness for God. How? Despite being born with spina bifida, Becky made the choice every day to live her life with a can-do, glass-half-full attitude. She achieved this by exuding positivity wherever she went.

Becky thoroughly lived out God’s plan for her life. She accomplished her purpose (through a faith-based lens) by advocating for, and educating others about, those living with disabilities. In fact, during her celebration of life, an old high-school friend shared a touching story of how Becky introduced her to a life with Jesus. This conversation had only been made possible because of my sister’s empathy towards others who were experiencing struggles. Since that conversation so many years ago, this woman has turned her life over to Christ and become a mighty warrior for Him in her own right!


taken from his obituary

I had the extreme pleasure of getting to know Lester through church. Months before he passed, Lester participated in a videotaped address for the congregation. Although his message aired more than two years ago, its poignancy continues to resonate. In his remarks, Lester reminded everyone of the inherent value of a person’s witness.

Lester’s carefully crafted comments conveyed people should worship in community alongside fellow believers. He acknowledged some people may not always desire to attend church in person every week (prior to the pandemic). However, Lester reminded the congregation when they miss church, they lose unforeseen opportunities to witness. As he surmised, a person never knows who they might unknowingly uplift, or inspire, during the service through their presence and participation.

One more aspect of Lester’s witness has left an indelible mark on my soul. My husband, Tom, and I decided to visit Lester in the hospital in his final days. Upon entering the room, our eyes rested upon Lester in his hospital bed. Despite his earthly body preparing for his soul’s eternal trip home, what met our gaze was Lester’s huge smile, an overwhelming sense of gratitude, and pure joy. In fact, his feelings were positively palpable, as they seemed to radiate simultaneously from every corner of the room. Even according to his daughter, Lester spent his final days praising God, praying with others, and witnessing. Yes, he embodied what living life to the fullest truly means!

Judge Carter

Judge Carter
from his obituary

As previously mentioned, faithful superheroes, who live life to the fullest, come from different walks of life. Some of these individuals find themselves facing their challenging circumstances in the public eye. With the utmost respect, I consider Judge Carter to be one of those individuals. Although he had received a devastating diagnosis, Judge Carter chose to continue living his best life up until the very end. Like many of us, he probably had moments of frustration, but just like each of us, he had a choice. Judge Carter chose not to let a devastating diagnosis deter him from fulfilling his life’s purpose. Not at all. Instead, he made the conscious choice to get up each day and fully live life.

A Hospice Patient

Some people who are living with a terminal diagnosis wonder why God would allow them to seemingly linger in pain instead of calling them home. In the throes of excruciating pain, I believe any one of us might wonder the same thing. I certainly do not profess to have the answers to questions only God can answer. However, I do have a poignant story for you.

old couple holding hands in hospital
Photo by Muskan Anand on

Several years ago, during my women’s Bible study, one of the ladies shared a personal story about God’s timing and the end of life. She told the group about the time when her relative had been a hospice patient. Daily, she would sit by her loved one’s side, watching her elder slowing slipping away and into God’s arms. As my friend explained to the group, her desire had been to ensure her loved one was not alone when she passed.

One night, however, things changed. Needing some much-needed sleep, my friend wished her loved one a good night and returned home to rest. After her departure, God’s perfect timing shined brightly.

opened door
Photo by Erkan Utu on

Returning the next day, my friend discovered her loved one had gone to her eternal home during the night. In the midst of her sadness was guilt over not having been there. However, her fears were soon put to rest. You see, my friend’s loved one waited until she had been alone in her room to engage the overnight hospice nurse in a conversation about salvation.

What followed had been a life-altering, Christ-accepting moment! After their life-saving talk concluded, my friend’s loved one went home to Jesus. Here is an example of a spiritual superhero using her final minutes, literally, to live life to the fullest in service to Almighty God!

What Scripture Says about Living Life to the Fullest

Let us begin our examination of Scripture by focusing on the Greatest Role Model of All Time… Jesus! God’s children must look no further than the Son of God for an all-inclusive example of living life to the fullest. In fact, His life encompasses poignant examples of fully living life until the very end, at a young age, along in years, and while suffering.

At a Young Age

Many individuals, like Becky (see above), seem to be called home much too soon. However, when studying Jesus’s life, we see He was crucified, died, rose again, and ascended to Heaven at the young age of 33! Others have returned to God even younger than this, but they were still an integral part of His much larger plan.

Along in Years

The traditional way of thinking about a person returning to their eternal home is after they have lived a life abundant in years, just like Lester and my friend’s loved one in hospice (see above). Despite individuals passing in their senior years, those of us left to mourn still wish we could have more time. This is similar to when Jesus’s friend, Lazarus, died.

Scripture tells us Jesus “wept” at Lazarus’s passing (John 11:35, NIV). Despite His human reactions of weeping and mourning, Jesus also divinely knew God’s ultimate purpose for Lazarus’s death. We know this because He says, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it” (John 11:4, NIV).

Even in Lazarus’s sickness and death, God had a plan. Thankfully, Jesus was there to explain what mere man could never have surmised. In this instance, unbeknownst to Lazarus and his family, he would wind up living life to the fullest even after his death!

While Suffering

Unfortunately, people are not immune to pain and suffering, including Judge Carter, Lester, and others in hospice (see above). In fact, many individuals experience tremendous suffering, especially as their earthly departure grows increasingly imminent. Perhaps the greatest example of suffering in the Bible is Jesus’s crucifixion.

After receiving a torturous flogging, which left His body torn and bleeding, Jesus manages to keep His wits about Him when talking with Pilate. According to Scripture’s account, Jesus appears to witness when responding to Pilate’s questions. He says, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above…” (John 19:11, NIV).

Another instance of Jesus witnessing in the midst of immense suffering occurs in His final moments on the cross. Despite hanging pierced and broken, Jesus remains cognizant of His purpose and ensures it is fulfilled. How? Scripture records Jesus saying, “I am thirsty” and “It is finished” because of “knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled…” (John 19:28-30, NIV). What an unparalleled example of living life to the fullest until the absolute end!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

How about you? Is your glass half empty or half full? Historically, have you surrendered to the challenges and suffering in life, or have you chosen to boldly step out in faith and live your life to the fullest (no matter what)? Regardless of your past, good news awaits! Thanks to God’s unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness, you can embrace the power of the Holy Spirit, which is yours to claim, and become more than a conqueror. When you do, feel assured in knowing God’s got you, and His plan for your (whole) life awaits!

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Special Acknowledgement:

Feature image provided by Cup of Couple on