Love Grows Blessings in the Midst of Heartbreak

Imagine waking up to the sound of air-raid sirens and explosions, quickly followed by the smell of smoke. Although this has been terrifying, you soon realize you must leave your family, friends, job, and homeland. Essentially, you flee from all you have ever known in exchange for an uncertain future. Feeling a profound sense of loss and hopelessness would certainly be considered normal. However, God offers hope. He wants each of His beloved children, including you dear friend, to remember love grows blessings in the midst of heartbreak.

The Exodus…Again!

Perhaps you have heard history has a way of repeating itself. Another spin on the phrase is history will repeat itself if people do not learn from it. Through examining Scripture and following current events, we will explore how both sayings are correct, especially regarding The Exodus.

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Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

Venturing into the Unfamiliar

When the Israelites fled Egypt, they escaped slavery into an unfamiliar land, following their quest for freedom and hope for a promising future (Exodus 12:31-42, NIV). They did not know what to expect. However, they had faith and knew God would go with them wherever they went.

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Those living in Ukraine are currently experiencing some of what the Israelites faced. Ukrainians are fleeing to escape the maniacal actions bombarding their country, inflicting pain and leaving behind utter devastation. These refugees do not know what to expect as they embark on long journeys to unfamiliar countries. Many, however, have acknowledged God is with them in the midst of their struggle and displacement.

Experiencing God’s Presence on the Journey

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Photo by Miguel Pedroso on

The Israelites knew God was with them on their journey. How? Scripture tells us God appeared in the form of a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21, NIV). Not only this, but the Lord guided them every step of the way. According to Scripture, “Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people” (Exodus 13:22, NIV). Did you catch that? The Lord remained in front of His children.

Later in the Bible, Moses speaks to the Israelites and lets them know he will not cross into the promised land with them. Instead, while introducing Joshua as his successor, Moses reminds them, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8, NIV). If I did not know any better, these same words of hope apply to the Ukrainians right now. That is part of the power of God’s Word. It is as relevant today, as it was in ancient times. God goes before His children in every situation, so we need not fear. Thanks be to God!

God Creates a Path

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Photo by Ben Mack on

When the Israelites fled Egypt into the unknown, they encountered what many might call the roadblock to end all roadblocks, the Red Sea. God had a bigger, better plan, as He always does. He took an obstacle, which seemed insurmountable, and made a way for His children. According to Exodus 14 (NIV), when Moses and the Israelites reached the Red Sea, the Lord parted the waters just long enough for them to cross safely.

Similar to the Israelites and the Red Sea, Ukrainian refugees are encountering potential obstacles, such as border crossings into other countries. However, despite the world’s contemporary passport requirements, the Lord is making a path. Countries have freely opened their borders in one of the largest humanitarian efforts the world has ever seen! Thanks be to God!

God’s Blessings Along the Way

Traveling through the desert proved challenging for the Israelites. After all, with no grocery stores or mobile apps to order food and drink, what happened when they no longer had these essential staples? You know the answer, dear friend. Although the Israelites were in the desert, God provided them with drinkable water, bread, and quail (Exodus 15:22-27 & 16:1-18, NIV). Not bad provisions for being in the desert! Am I right?! God always knows what His children need, and He longs to provide it for them.

Imagine, for a moment, if the Israelites had the opportunity to speak with the Ukrainian refugees. What do you think they would say? Perhaps the conversation would go something like this:


We understand your current situation. We have been there and done that. It is certainly not easy. However, one thing we want you to remember is God is faithful. He loves you and will provide for you, His beloved children.

Ukrainian Refugees:

Boy are you right! Complete strangers from many countries are rushing to provide us humanitarian aid. We have enjoyed warm food, drinks, and clothes. Our children have received new toys, too! Most importantly, countries have opened their borders and offered us jobs and places to live. God is surely with us!

I realize this verbal exchange is not possible. However, the sentiment is real. In both scenarios, God is present, loving and helping His children. Currently, He is aiding Ukrainian refugees through the hands, feet, and voices of strangers.

God Equips Those Whom He Calls

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Photo by Artūras Kokorevas on

God does not call to action those who are qualified. Not at all. Instead, He equips those individuals whom He calls. Case in point, as Ukrainian refugees cross into other countries, including Poland, they are greeted by select individuals, uniquely equipped with the ability to speak several languages. Using their talents for speaking, reading, and writing in various languages, these humanitarian volunteers serve as blessings to others in this historic moment of crisis. What a way to love others and serve as a light in the midst of a dark situation!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Currently, the media, as well as the hearts of many around the globe, are overwhelmed with the destruction, separation, and loss being endured by the Ukrainian people. Perhaps you recall moments of separation and loss in your life. The good news is God offers hope. He wants you to remember His love grows blessings in the midst of heartbreak, and He accomplishes these good works through the hands, feet, and voices of His precious children, including you dear friend!

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Feature image taken by Arturas Kokorevas on