Make God Your G.P.S. (Great Personal Savior) on Life’s Journey

As you live out your faith journey toward the desired eternal outcome of Heaven, you may not have the slightest inkling the direction, or path, your life will take.  On the flip side, perhaps, you think you do because you are a conscientious planner.  Regardless of which description resonates the most with you, God knows what will happen.  He knows because He has been where you are going.  Therefore, trust and make God your G.P.S. (Great Personal Savior) on life’s journey.  Let the adventure begin!

A Personal Story of Needing a GPS

Earlier this week, I received the phone call no one wants to get.  My dad had fallen a couple of times and was rushed by ambulance to the hospital.  Wanting, and needing, to be there, I quickly packed a suitcase, loaded my car, and began a multi-state drive to my hometown.

For the sake of this post, one important thing you should know about me is I am admittedly geographically challenged.  Really bad.  Therefore, one must-have item I never leave home without is my GPS.  Ahh… Modern technology is such a blessing!

Beginning my journey, I had a specific route in mind, and my GPS dutifully displayed it all for my geographically challenged mind.  Well, at least I thought it did.  You see, just like in life, unexpected things happen to alter your path, and my trip demonstrated this point.  In fact, my driving experience provided a poignant analogy.  For the remainder of this post, I will share it with you.

Under Construction

During the first hour of my trip, I encountered construction, requiring me to slow down and pay extra close attention to my surroundings.  The path ahead became incredibly narrow, making the possibility of veering off course easier, particularly when the traffic around me did not stop but kept coming.  Other stretches of my drive under construction forced me to take a detour or to stop altogether and wait.  During those times of construction, instead of feeling stressed or overwhelmed I kept my focus on my GPS, which continued guiding me through it all.

Sometimes a person experiences aspects of their life “under construction” as well.  Just like in my scenario, those unexpected moments make it even more important for a person to remain calm and focus on God, their own G.P.S. (Great Personal Savior).  In fact, individuals who remain focused on God will find blessings they otherwise would have missed had they continued down their original path.  In my case, my detour afforded me the chance to see a farm full of cows and fields overflowing with corn.

Remember how I mentioned some areas of construction created narrow paths, making veering off course more likely?  Well, making it through daily life without encountering a single temptation is virtually impossible.  Some of those temptations work against a person’s desire to live as much like Christ as possible, causing them to veer off course.  That is why people should make God their G.P.S. throughout their life’s faith journey.  (Check out the “Proceed with Caution: The Pitfall of Temptation Minefields Abounds” post.)

Encountering Storms

One thing I really do not care to do is drive during stormy weather.  God, however, has different plans because every longer trip I drive, I seem to encounter storms of one kind or another.  Much to my surprise (Not!), the unexpected trip I made this week included storms.  In fact, I often joke about this point by sharing with family and friends that God must have a crazy sense of humor! 

Despite the inclement weather, I noticed something, which provided me a special reminder.  The skies were enveloped in heavy storm clouds, exuberantly sharing their moisture with others.  In stark contrast and not to be denied, little glimmers of bright blue sky poked through the darkness.  It was almost as if the sunshine was waiting its turn to put on a brilliant light show.

Every human being encounters storms, and turbulent, or dark, times, at different points throughout their life.  This is unavoidable, but there is hope.  Like my atmospheric observation, if someone who is experiencing dark times looks closely at their circumstances, they will see bright points peeking through, too.  Consider these hidden blessings, gifted by God, to remind you that brighter times are on the horizon.

Praising and Worshipping God

Before pulling out of my garage, I tuned into my favorite praise music radio station.  Then, during my trip, I joined in joyful song with the station for as long as I could, belting out tunes at the top of my lungs while tapping in rhythm on my steering wheel.  The only thing to interrupt my praise-filled sing-along was intermittent, contemplative prayer time with God.  My praise and worship continued throughout all the storms, construction, etc. I encountered.

Despite everything a person faces in life, God wants them to praise and worship Him through it all.  He longs to receive prayers of joy and thanksgiving for the blessings He gifts them (i.e., being a steady presence with you through your life’s journey – no matter what). 

What Scripture Says about God’s Guidance

As you might expect, Scripture includes messages for God’s children on following His guidance.  In fact, we hear from God, Himself, when He speaks to the prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament.  When Isaiah revealed what God had spoken, he shared, “…I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go” (Isaiah 48:17, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis). 

On a similar note, King David composed a song for the special event of bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.  In it he says, “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always” (Psalm 105:4, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis).  In a different translation, the same verse reads, “Seek the Lord and the strength he gives.  Seek his presence continually” (Psalm 105:4, NET) (bold and italics added for emphasis).

Scripture makes it clear.  God wants His children (including you and me) to remain focused on Him.  In return, He promises to guide us through everything, which includes providing each of us with the direction He wishes for us to go.

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

God wants to guide His children through everything, just like my GPS points the way for me.  Both scenarios only work, though, if eyes remain focused on a GPS (or The G.P.S.).  God delights in showing us the way of righteousness.  He also desires to remind His beloved children He has been where they are preparing to go.  Therefore, trust and make God your G.P.S. (Great Personal Savior) on your life’s faith journey.  He will not steer you wrong because His directions are perfect!