Positively Priceless: Realizing Your Worth to The Creator

Have you ever felt marginalized, or minimized?  Perhaps society has made you feel as if you are less important than someone else.  On a personal level, maybe you have experienced moments of feeling devalued in relationships.  Furthermore, have you ever felt unnoticed, or underappreciated, professionally?  Realistically, many of us have encountered moments like these.  The good news, however, is you matter.  In fact, your worth to The Creator (the only opinion that really matters) is positively priceless!

Reminders of Value While Vacationing

Last week, my husband and I took our fur babies on vacation.  During our trip, we spent time driving through mountains.  As we progressed along the curvaceous mountain path, the downward, spiraling turns maneuvered us through the cavernous valleys.  One could easily feel as if the mountain might swallow them whole! 

While descending and gazing out over the vast forests blanketing the towering mountainsides, I began to feel very tiny and insignificant amid all of God’s beautiful, majestic creation.  After all, how can one person really matter, or make a difference, in comparison to the vastness of all God created?

Almost as if on cue, I thought about how God not only created everything and everyone, but He did so out of a tremendous amount of love.  Everything and everyone, including you dear friend, matters to Him.  In fact, we are all His valuable, precious masterpieces.  If we matter so much to Him, then why do we feel less than {fill in the blank} at times?

Examples of Everyday Feelings of Insignificance

Regardless of whether someone is an extrovert or introvert, every person wants (and, arguably, needs) to know on some level they are seen, known, valued, appreciated, and loved.  Unfortunately, problems arise when a disparity exists between an individual’s desires and actual experiences. 

For example, an employee can put forth a great deal of time and effort to achieve a successful outcome.  However, their boss may never express an appreciation for the work performed or the accomplishment attained.  Has this ever happened to you?  If so, how did you feel?  If I had to venture a guess, your answer would probably not include feeling seen, known, valued, appreciated, or loved.  Am I right?

How about personal relationships?  Have you ever spoken to someone, and they are looking at their cell phone the entire time, or maybe they even walked out of the room?  Did you feel seen or valued in that moment?  Did you feel important to the other person?  What if that person was your spouse or best friend?  Would that type of response make you feel truly seen, known, valued, appreciated, or loved?  Probably not.

In a previous post, I shared an experience my sister, Becky, had in high school (see post titled “Appreciation for Diversity Discovered in a Most Unique Way”).  Becky lived with spina bifida and used a wheelchair at the time of the incident.  During one science class, my sister approached the substitute teacher and requested help.  Her self-advocacy was met with unthinkable marginalization.  She was told rather curtly, “You need to stick with your own kind…I am trying to help someone right now.”  How do you think that made Becky feel?  As her sister, I can tell you in that moment she certainly did not feel truly seen, known, valued, appreciated, or loved.

Everything and Everyone Is God’s Masterpiece

Just think about this for a moment.  God exercised a tremendous amount of love and care to meticulously create everything and everyone with all their complexities and uniqueness.  Such attention to detail is like an artist creating a masterpiece.  A creator knows their work from the inside out.  The same is true of God and each of His creations.  He knows each one intimately from the deepest recesses of their innermost being to the highest peaks of their achievements, as well as everything in between.  If each of us is God’s positively priceless masterpiece, then let us explore what Scripture has to say on how we are seen, known, valued, appreciated, and loved by The Creator.

What Scripture Tells Us About Our Worth to The Creator

These days social media acts as a powerful influence in people’s lives.  Frequently, individuals choose to visually depict themselves in the best possible light.  However, looks can be, and often are, deceiving.  God knows this about His creation, which is why He addresses it with Samuel.  God says, “…The LORD does not look at the things people look at.  People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7, NIV).  Our Creator makes it clear only He truly sees His children.  Therefore, you have worth because God sees you!

No one is perfect, and sometimes people struggle with vulnerability and letting others get to know them on a deeper level.  Why?  Everyone wants acceptance but fears rejection due to their perfect imperfection.  According to Scripture, King David proclaims the depths to which God knows each of us by saying, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” (Psalm 139:13-14, NIV).  Take heart, dear friend.  You have worth because God knows you on the deepest level possible and loves you unconditionally!

Throughout history, humans have indiscriminately assigned value to people and things.  For this reason, value is often based upon an individual’s personal preference.  The same cannot be said, however, for how God values His creation.  In fact, Scripture states unequivocally, “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Luke 12:7, NIV).  In essence, God loves all His living creation. So, if he loves even the tiny sparrow, imagine the enormity of His love for His children who were made in His own image and given dominion over all other creatures (Genesis 1:26, NIV). Yes, you have worth because God values you more than you could ever fully comprehend!

Seemingly everywhere one turns, somebody clamors for their diversity to receive appreciation and acceptance.  Unfortunately, people are not always met with open arms.  Nevertheless, I am sure it will come as no surprise Scripture addresses this conundrum (rather eloquently I may add).  God not only fearfully and wonderfully made His children, but He assigned each of them a unique blend of spiritual gifts.  According to the apostle Paul, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them” (1 Corinthians 12:4, NIV).  Beyond any doubt, you have worth because God appreciates your uniqueness and proves it by blessing you with your own special combination of gifts!

Love is a powerful emotion.  Therefore, it is no wonder people will sometimes do most anything to experience it.  In fact, attempting to satisfy a need for love may sway an individual to try and replace their longing with earthly possessions, etc.  Unfortunately, there is no substitute for the unmatched, unconditional love only God provides. 

The apostle John reminds us, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NIV).  As if this level of love is not powerful enough, The Old Testament also affirms God’s level of love and devotion to His children.  Scripture tells us, “…for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV).  Think about this for a moment.  God is always with you.  Always.  He is there for your highest highs, your lowest lows, and everything in between.  Therefore, remember you have worth because God truly loves you!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Experiencing moments of insecurity and self-doubt happens to everyone at one time or another.  Take heart.  You are a child of God, which means you are positively priceless!  In fact, your worth to The Creator is far more than anything humanly possible.  So, when those negative emotions rear their ugly head, just remember you have worth because you are seen, known, valued, appreciated, and loved by The One and Only (drum roll, please) … God, Himself!