Powerful Effect of Love’s Ripples

The Enemy Strikes

Love never fails and neither does God. He moves through the waves, patiently and faithfully creating ripples of love in the darkness of difficult times. As I sit here writing to you, my sister-in-law is undergoing brain surgery to remove a tumor which so unceremoniously took up residence not only in her head but her life. Hard as it is to imagine, something only 4 cm in size possessed enough power to shake the very foundation of her world, forcing a reckoning, of sorts, in its wake. Like a pebble tossed into water, her cancer created a ripple effect, ever expanding into the lives of everyone who knows and loves her. At the time, the powerful effect of love’s ripples, however, simply waited for the perfect moment to thwart the enemy’s attack.

When Scriptural Love Becomes Messy

People need love. They long for it. In fact, the Apostle Paul in a letter to the church in Corinth wrote about the importance of love. Scripture tells us, “Love never fails” (1 Cor. 13:8, NIV), and “the greatest [gift] is love” (1 Cor. 13:13, NIV). Well, if giving and receiving love is so important, then why does it seem so hard for some people? Is it because an individual’s desire for love and acceptance seems all too often to get simplified into merely typing a heart emoji, “liking” someone online, or deciding which direction to swipe on a screen? All of this sounds incredibly impersonal, and it is. Love, however, is not meant to act as an impersonal exchange. Perhaps you find it difficult to love someone because you have been hurt by them. Loving someone can be challenging and downright messy at times!

What Would Jesus Do?

Where should we begin when attempting to sort through the world’s conflicting messages about love? Well, Scripture reminds us that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8, NIV). Therefore, our greatest resource, when in doubt, is to think about God’s example of how He loves each of His children, including you dear friend. He loves us so much that He allowed His Son, Jesus, to get brutally beaten and, ultimately, crucified on a cross. Yes, love can be messy, and even painful, sometimes. How should we respond when this happens? We need not look any further than Jesus’s example. He loved everyone, even those who hurt Him. Christ forgave them because He knew what Paul would later discover and share with the Corinthians. Love. Never. Fails. No, instead love creates ripples, flowing into the hearts and minds of those whom it reaches.

The Battle Between the Enemy and Love’s Ripples

What would happen to love’s ripples if a barrier were put in its path? Love’s ability to spread would slow and eventually stop. The same thing happens when someone has been hurt. They create an emotional wall, attempting to prevent further hurt. The unfortunate side effect is the person needing love resists it, and their ability to spread love’s ripples diminishes.

I cannot imagine a time when being surrounded by love is more important than when someone is at their lowest point emotionally, truly feeling their most vulnerable. My sister-in-law’s cancer created just such a moment. I witnessed love’s ripples begin eroding the emotional walls borne of deep hurt. Fractured relationships began to heal through love.

Loving someone who is hurting and in deep distress sends shock waves of longing and, perhaps, deep regret for all things left unspoken, unfinished, or never tried. Witnessing a loved one desperately fighting to live awakens the stark reality that each of us is mortal and only here for a short time. For in truth, next year, next month, next week, or even the next day or second is not promised, or guaranteed, to any of us. That is why I adopted the mantra “Live Life with No Regrets” a long time ago and why I strive to find the beauty of love’s ripples in even the most devastating tsunami of circumstances. Love never fails and neither does God. He is moving through the waves, patiently and faithfully creating ripples of love in the darkness of difficult times.

The Power of Prayer on Love’s Ripples

Due to some family circumstances during my sister-in-law’s brain surgery, I remained at home while my husband traveled to provide love and support for his big sis and countless other family members. Although I would have appreciated the opportunity to be present with all of them at the hospital, I feel extremely blessed to have witnessed what I did from home. God provided me with a unique vantage point of the events taking place multiple states away from me, and I feel truly blessed. He showed me all of love’s ripples, weaving their way through the events and people.

I watched the immeasurable, unfathomable power created when people in a faith community (both friends and strangers, alike) unite in fervent prayer for someone. In those moments, The Holy Spirit’s power not only amplifies but multiplies beyond measure. Such powerful, faith-filled prayers set the stage for real miracles to unfold.

Miracles Happen!

In my sister-in-law’s case a miracle happened. Her first neurosurgeon regrettably informed her that he could not justify performing surgery to remove the tumor because he felt he could only remove 25% of it. However, through the power created by an army of fervent prayer warriors and spread by love’s ripples, the original surgeon exercised enough discernment to seek other medical professionals’ opinions. During this fact-finding process, another, more seasoned surgeon came forward, welcoming her challenging case. The result was nothing short of astounding! After a grueling and meticulous 5+ hour surgery, he successfully removed 95% of the enemy which had set up shop in her brain, lurking and poised to kill and destroy the good God had created. But… not today! Why? It is simple. Love never fails. Not the love between family and friends… and certainly not God’s love.

Lasting Thought and Call to Action

What would happen if each of us chose to live out Jesus’s example of how to love? Love’s ripples would enter any dark moment and wash away the mess.