Reassuring Peace Found in The Father’s Hand

Remember running to a parent, or other caring adult, hoping to find reassurance and comfort when you were a child? Perhaps you were scared from falling off your bike and scraping your arms and legs. Maybe a completely different situation caused you fear in your youth. Maturing into adulthood does not mean life is devoid of worry and fear. Not at all. Why? Feeling scared, or fearful, is a natural emotion. Living in an often-frenzied world, rest in knowing there is reassuring peace found in The Father’s hand.

Camping in Mom and Dad’s Room

light dawn landscape sunset
Photo by ArtHouse Studio on

For children and adults alike, forecasts of impending severe storms evoke immense fear and dread (especially in the wake of recent catastrophic, tornadic events). This was definitely true for one of our son’s. In fact, at the first rumble of thunder and crack of lightning, my husband and I would hear the shuffling of tiny feet approaching, followed by a frantic pounding on our bedroom door. Does this sound familiar?

Initially, my husband and I tried verbal reassurances while returning our son to his bedroom and tucking him into bed. However, by the time we had settled back into our bed, another rumble of thunder and crack of lightning would burst forth, and here would come our son, again.

photo of a woman sleeping in a tent
Photo by cottonbro on

One night at the onset of another severe thunderstorm, my husband and I decided to institute a completely different approach. Waiting in hopeful anticipation, we listened for the moment our son’s hurried feet began shuffling down the hall. Instead of escorting him back to bed, we turned his scary situation into an adventure. Pulling out a sleeping bag, we invited him to go camping in our room. Can you guess what happened next?

Another rumble of thunder and crack of lightning lit up the night sky. However, this time, our little guy was nestled all warm and cozy in a sleeping bag. In fact, he slept peacefully, blissfully unaware of the booming light show raging on the other side of the curtains! Why? He felt safe, reassured, and comforted.

This story reminds me of what it is like when someone is in relationship with God the Father. Tom’s and my child persistently sought reassurance and a sense of peace from us, his parents, during a particularly scary time in his life. The same is true with God. Even as an adult, you will always be God’s beloved child. As your Heavenly Father, He longs for you to persistently seek Him out when you experience moments of fear and worry. Why? He knows when you do, you will find reassurance and an indescribable peace.

A Personal Story of Taming the Tilt-a-Whirl with Dad’s Help

panning photography of carousel
Photo by Shane Aldendorff on

As a young child my parents brought my sister and me to a local fair. Mesmerized by the vast array of lights and the whizzing and whirring of carnival rides, I grew transfixed on one ride in particular, the Tilt-a-Whirl. Having never experienced one, my dad rode the ride with me.

With a gentle jerk, the ride came to life. Slowly rotating. Gradually accelerating with each passing turn, I felt the ride beginning to spin. As the ride continued picking up speed, my confidence waned, and my fear increased. As a child, I did the only thing I knew to do. Scooting as close as possible, I reached out and grabbed my father’s hand. I knew I could trust him because he had always been a steady presence in my life. Just like countless times before and since, he did not disappoint. The strength of his loving hand holding mine and the reassuring words he imparted soothed my ever-rising nerves, allowing me to move past my fear and enjoy the ride.

Unfortunately, I recognize not every child grows up with a trustworthy parent (or caregiver). Despite this heartbreaking reality, hope exists. How? Well, even if this imperfect world never affords someone a loving, reliable parent, their Heavenly Father remains ever present, ready, and willing to provide much-needed reassurance and peace to His beloved children. All anyone needs to do is draw as close to Him as possible, reach out, and grab His hand. Then, similar to my Tilt-a-Whirl story, our Heavenly Father imparts His reassuring words, soothing our ever-rising fears and worries, when we read His Word. Only by turning to Him can a person truly move past their fears and enjoy life’s ride (with all of its twists and turns)!

What Scripture Says about Discovering Reassuring Peace in The Father’s Hand

According to the prophet Isaiah, God seeks to comfort His children by saying, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis). Similarly, Apostle Paul tells Christians they are saved “by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand…” (1 Peter 3:21-22, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis).

Sitting at God the Father’s right hand, Jesus serves as a source of strength and reassuring peace in a broken, imperfect world. Therefore, although fear is a normal human emotion, God’s children can overcome their fears because they are more than conquerors. How? Jesus Christ, who sits at the right hand of God, intercedes on behalf of all of God’s beloved children (Romans 8:34, NIV). Finally, God, Himself, alludes to why His children should not fear when He acknowledges, “I, even I, am he who comforts you…” (Isaiah 51:12, NIV).

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Feelings of fear and worry are unavoidable because you are human and living in an imperfect world. However, when those types of feelings threaten to steal your joy in this life, remember what any child instinctively does when they are frightened. Then, do the same. After all, you are God’s child. Seek your Heavenly Father, draw close to Him, and take His hand (i.e., through The Word, prayer, etc.). When you do, you will discover reassuring peace is found in The Father’s hand.

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