Reflect Life-Affirming Christian Witness in the World

Sweltering summer days abound with sunshine, colorful foliage, the aroma of grilling, and a plethora of insects, including dragonflies.  Have you ever stopped to watch a dragonfly?  Just the other day, I did.  What I noticed from the dragonfly served as a valuable reminder of why it is importance to reflect life-affirming Christian witness in the world.

The Attentive Nature of Dragonflies

Within the past decade, scientists have discovered dragonflies possess selective attention.  Based upon research published from the University of Adelaide on December 20, 2012, dragonflies are capable of locking onto one target while simultaneously acting as if everything else does not exist.  In fact, scientists have gone so far as to say dragonflies possess almost human-like attention.

A Dragonfly’s Reminder of Christian Witness

Perhaps you find the tidbit I shared about a dragonfly’s attention interesting.  However, you are probably wondering what dragonflies have to do with Christian witness?  Well, here we go!

While observing a dragonfly, I noticed its inquisitive nature.  The tiny creature repeatedly flew around me with a great deal of attentive curiosity.  Its behaviors reminded me of times when I have witnessed young children attentively watching adults to learn from them.  That is when I realized the same attentive behaviors are true with Christian witness.

Reflections of Christian Witness

The moment someone turns their life over to Christ, they become a new creation.  They are changed, and their life (i.e., words, actions, etc.) should reflect the transformation.  Sadly, I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have overheard people comment on the hypocritical nature of Christians.  What often accompanies this sentiment are comments detailing the disparity between how the person acts in their daily life versus while in church.  Truthfully, there should be no difference.  Therefore, each of us, living as God’s children, should remain cognizant of the life-affirming nature of our witness.  In essence, we must continue showing others the love of Christ in all we say and do.

Actual Example of Life-Affirming Christian Witness

Every Sunday at my church, the congregation celebrates, and worships, God through praise music and song.  Nestled in the pew in front of me was a woman whom I deeply admire.  She is a loving, faithful Christian who embodies the epitome of what it means to humbly serve others for God’s ultimate glory.

One interesting fact about my friend is she worships mightily during all praise music.  However, she never vocalizes a single verse, let alone a single word!  Instead, what she does is simply amazing!  You see, although my friend cannot sing, she praises our Heavenly Father through sign language (despite having never received formal instruction)!

Anyway, during this service as my friend praised God in her own special way, I caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye of a young girl intently focused on the intricate movements of my friend’s hands.  The child’s intense interest compelled her to mimic the same hand movements as my friend.  Much to my chagrin, this spiritual witness continued for the duration of the song without my friend ever noticing the powerful impact of her witness.

This example shares a similarity to Jesus’s witness as described in Scripture.  Christ healed people and then sent them on their way, telling them to not tell anyone.  Jesus humbly served His Heavenly Father all for God’s glory.  Similarly, my friend humbly worshipped The Heavenly Father for His glory, not her own.  Her worship was borne of love, passion, and sincerity.  What resulted?  A powerful, authentic example reflecting life-affirming Christian witness.

What Is Meant by Life-Affirming?

As previously mentioned, once a person turns their life over to Christ, their entire way of living is transformed.  A new purpose for living replaces previous desires, and motivations, in their earthly life.  Instead, the individual finds him/herself guided now by the eternal reward of life everlasting in Heaven with God.  Therefore, a person’s Christian witness reflects and reaffirms their new, eternal life to come.

Jesus’s Life-Affirming Witness

As I have said in previous posts and will say again, no better example exists of how to live a Christ-like life than Christ Jesus.  According to Scripture, several examples exist, demonstrating Jesus’s desire to heal others in love and for God’s glory, not His own.  One example occurs when Jesus brings back to life the daughter of Jairus, a synagogue leader.  First, He sends away the people who had gathered at the house.  Then, accompanied by the girl’s family and a few select disciples, Jesus commanded her to rise.  When she did, Jesus “gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this” (Mark 5:43, NIV).

In another account, some people brought a blind, mute man to Jesus, hoping He would heal the man.  Jesus removed the man from the crowd and healed him.  In humble, reverent fashion, Jesus did not want the recognition. Instead, He wanted God to receive the glory.  Therefore, although those present knew what had occurred, “Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone” (Mark 7:36, NIV).

The Gospel of Mark contains another story of Jesus’s miraculous healing ability.  During a visit to Bethsaida, a blind man was brought to Jesus for healing.  True to form, Scripture tells us “He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village” (Mark 8:23, NIV).  Just like the healing of the blind, mute man from the previous example, notice how Jesus ensured the act of healing transpired out of public viewing.  Such a simple act revealed Jesus’s true motivation, and it was not for public accolades.  No. He healed the blind man out of love and a desire to glorify His Father in Heaven.  As the story ends, Jesus sends the now-seeing man home with the message, “Don’t even go [back] into the village” (Mark 8:26, NIV).  This parting comment alludes to, and affirms, Jesus’s desire for the man to not go and tell anyone what had just happened.

What Scripture Says about Reflecting Life-Affirming Christian Witness

In a message to the Christian’s living in Ephesus, the apostle Paul provided instructions for Christian living.  He reminded followers of Christ by saying, “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self…; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:22-24, NIV).  Simply put, becoming a Christian changes who you are and how you live.  You no longer live for yourself.  Instead, you live for God.

Paul provided examples of how to live a transformed life, and these instructions are just as relevant for today’s Christians.  Use your speech for “building others up according to their needs” (Ephesians 4:29, NIV).  As for thoughts and feelings, “[b]e kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.  Follow God’s example…and walk in the way of love…” (Ephesians 4:32-5:2, NIV). 

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

In closing, let us take a moment and reflect on how a dragonfly’s selective attention illustrates the power of Christian witness.  Just like a dragonfly focuses on a target and attentively observes every move, people pay close attention to Christians.  As a child of God, you never know who might be watching. Simply think back to the story of spiritual sign language, which I shared earlier.  Perhaps you have caught the attention of someone who has yet to know Christ or accept Him into their life.  If so, what they see in, and from, you can make all the difference for them in their life.  Additionally, even if someone is a Christian, your witness might be the exact inspiration they need at that moment in time on their faith journey. (Check out the posts titled Finding God’s Refuge in a Stranger’s Hospitality and Become a Faith-Filled Superhero the World Needs.) Therefore, as God’s precious child, reflect life-affirming Christian witness in the world.  You’ve got this, and God’s got you!  Glory to God!