Seeing Potential in the Worn Down and Broken

Who does not enjoy a good, old-fashioned DIY project (on television, of course)?  When channel surfing, I find myself getting easily sucked into the allure of transformation with DIY shows.  How about you?  After all, what a WOW factor when comparing before and after photos!  Am I right?  Well, home renovators can serve as poignant examples of how God sees things. Just like DIYers, the Creator possesses an ability for seeing potential in the worn down and broken.

Personal Example of Seeing Beauty and Usefulness in the Worn Down and Broken

My husband and I spent the past week and a half traveling to visit family.  Embarking on a road trip through multiple states requires different accommodations in each.  However, since the onslaught of Covid-19, finding dog boarders has been nothing short of a challenge.  Therefore, Tom and I opted for a creative solution, so we could bring our dogs, too.  What was our canine-friendly answer?  Renting homes in each state.  Not just any homes, though.  No.  Since our options narrowed with the requirement of pet-friendly places, we wound up renting two newly renovated, century-plus-old homes.  By the time we arrived at our second home, I could not help but think about the parallels between DIYers and the Creator.

The Connection Between DIYers and the Creator

Despite bearing distinctly unique features, both homes exuded certain similarities.  Someone discovered each dilapidated house and visualized its potential, hidden behind worn down and broken components (i.e., external features as well as internal workings).  Nevertheless, the visionary felt the property was worth their investment.  Then, after a great deal of time, patience, and love, each dwelling’s unique beauty shines forth for all to see and appreciate.

In a matter of speaking, God is like DIYers.  People may appear worn down, broken, and beyond hope, but God sees beneath it all.  He sees into their soul and knows their unique potential.  Out of immense love and grace, God believes His children are worth the investment.

Our Creator wants each of us to see the world and others just as He does.  He wants us to look past what can be seen on the outside.  Instead, our Heavenly Father longs for us to go past superficial appearances and see others for who they really are (or rather whose they are).  Seeing someone as God’s child changes everything because you begin seeing them as He does.  Regardless of their faults and brokenness, they are loved unconditionally.  They are loved by the very One who loves you!

What Scripture Says about How God Sees His Children

In God’s own words, He tells Samuel, “…The LORD does not look at the things people look at.  People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7, NIV).  How comforting to know God sees past the superficial to the deepest, most authentic parts of our souls!  This is reflective in how DIYers possess the ability to look past a dwelling’s outer appearance to see the “good bones” beneath the surface.

Messages resonating this same concept of God knowing His children’s hearts are sprinkled throughout Scripture.  In the Old Testament, King Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication given before the altar of the Lord says, “…you [God] know their hearts (for you alone know every human heart)” (1 Kings 8:39, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis). 

The New Testament recounts Jesus’s own words, saying, “…God knows your hearts” (Luke 16:15, NIV).  The Word is clear.  Possessing unconditional and abounding love, God knows and understands the hearts and souls of His children at the deepest level. 

The book of Jeremiah raises the level of God’s knowledge and awareness of His children.  This perspective comes from the Creator’s own words.  According to Jeremiah 17:10 (NIV), God says, “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind…” (bold and italics added for emphasis).

Essentially, God unequivocally looks beyond the worn down, brokenness of a hurting soul and into an individual’s heart and mind (i.e., intentions, motivations, thought processes, etc.) and sees the beauty and potential just waiting to burst forth!  How reassuring to know the depth to which our Lord loves, and cares to know, each of us on an individual basis!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Whether you are an avid DIYer or just someone who enjoys watching DIY transformations from the comfort of your living room (like me!), I hope we can agree on one thing.  Home renovators can serve as poignant examples of how God sees things.  Just like DIYers, the Lord possesses an ability for seeing potential in the worn down and broken.  Are you willing to become a spiritual DIYer by seeing potential in the worn down and broken souls around you, helping their beauty and potential shine through, just like a beautifully renovated century-old home?

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