“Spiritual” Gymnasts Soar by Taking Leaps of Faith and Following God

Watching the Olympics is awe-inspiring because of each Olympian’s commitment towards mastery of their sport.  Although I enjoy all aspects of the Olympics, I especially follow gymnastics and marvel at the athletes’ flips, turns, leaps, solid landings, and apparent ability to fly during dismounts.  Each successfully executed move serves as a testament to all the behind-the-scenes courage and dedication exercised daily by the athletes to achieve their Olympic goals.  While most of us will never become gymnasts in the Olympics, each of us can become a “spiritual” gymnast.  How?  Simply take a leap of faith and follow God wherever He calls you.

An Example of “Spiritual” Gymnasts

Acquaintances of my family recently shared how they are taking a leap of faith and following God’s calling.  The husband and wife feel God has called them into service halfway around the globe.  Despite successful careers, they believe The Holy Spirit wants them to leave the comfort and safety of their current life, so they can run a safe house for human-trafficking victims.

As this young family embarks on a spiritual journey on the other side of the world, God is there every step of the way.  He provides for, and equips, those whom He calls.  God’s provisions sometimes come in the form of other people assisting along the way (see “Finding God’s Refuge in a Stranger’s Hospitality” post). 

In this case, the couple are in contact with locals who are prepared to support them in their life-saving endeavor.  What a powerful example of faith-filled “spiritual” gymnasts!  Not only are they bravely taking a leap of faith and following God’s calling for their lives, but they are blessing countless others in the process!

A Personal Story of Taking a Leap of Faith and Following God’s Calling

As a child of God, I strive to live a life of faithful service for Him.  Through the years He has called me out of accounting and into the service of teaching (see About the Author page).  However, I heard His familiar voice again in the Fall of 2015.  This time, He made it clear I had accomplished what He needed me to do in teaching, and I must resign my position and become a writer. 

My initial thought was… Really?!  In my perspective, God’s timing seemed, at the very least, inconvenient because a new school year had just begun.  Regardless, I knew I must follow His calling.

Around October 2015, I made the decision to finally share the epiphany with Tom that I was called to leave teaching for a different purpose, writing.  Much to my pleasure and relief, Tom was extremely receptive to this unexpected news.  Reciprocating the sentiment, I encouraged him to pursue his interest in advancement opportunities.  This prospect delighted him because for many years he had not considered promotions since many of them required relocation.

Uprooting our family was never something we wanted to do.  Since both of our sons were adopted at about four years of age and lacked consistency early in life, Tom and I worked to provide them much-needed stability.  Additionally, at this point our oldest son was in his senior year of high school, and the youngest would begin high school the following year.  Nevertheless, the moment had come to embrace what adventures lay ahead for our family in the location of God’s choosing.

Within months, God called to me again.  This time His message not only excited, but intrigued, me.  The Holy Spirit placed in my heart that Tom would arrive home from work that day with an opportunity, and I needed to support him because it was the job he was meant to have.

A few hours later Tom returned home.  What followed was no surprise to me, but it certainly was to Tom.  Our conversation went something like this…

“Something interesting happened at work today,” declared Tom.

“I know.  You have a job opportunity.  Right?” I eagerly responded.

“How did you know?”

“God told me.  Tell me what happened though,” I pressed Tom for more information (since God had not provided any specifics).

“Well, it is in Tennessee.  I was told that I was recommended for the position.”

Rather matter-of-factly I declared, “You will get the job.”

Confounded, Tom quizzically followed with, “How do you know?  There are probably lots of people interested in the position, and it is still very early in the process.”

“I know it’s early, but God told me you would come home today with a job opportunity, and the position would be yours.  He never misleads, so I know you have the job.”

As it turns out, Tom had been approached by higher-level management and told that he had been recommended for a promotion which required relocating.  Without feeling compelled to weigh the pros and cons, I quickly chimed in with, “Let’s go!  I am ready!” 

Much to our chagrin at God’s timing, the interview process spanned the remainder of the school year with the final one taking place within days of me saying farewell to my students and sending them off for summer vacation.  If I am being completely honest, the timing seemed perfect, and nothing in life is perfect.  However, God was our Divine “Coach,” and Tom and I were simply “spiritual” gymnasts in training.

God clearly had a carefully, well-thought-out plan for our lives, which would prove transformative in every way (more on that in future posts).  After all, Scripture tells us, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans” (Proverbs 16:3, NIV).  Therefore, as “spiritual” gymnasts, that was exactly what Tom and I did.  We knew if we remained faithful to Him, we would soar and stick the landing (which we did)!

What Scripture Says About Taking a Leap of Faith and Following God

The Old Testament includes many examples of individuals willing to take a leap of faith and follow God, including the prophet and priest, Samuel.  While ministering under Eli the priest, Samuel heard a voice calling to him during the night.  Thinking it was Eli, Samuel went to him only to learn it had not been Eli speaking.  After this happened three times, Eli recognized it was God calling to Samuel, so he prepared Samuel for how to respond in case it happened again.  Well, it did.  This time Samuel was ready and answered, “…Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10, NIV).  Samuel demonstrated a willingness to take a leap of faith and follow God’s calling.

The New Testament overflows with examples of other “spiritual” gymnasts, too.  This post will discuss two primary examples.  First, the archangel Gabriel came to Mary, a virgin, and declared she would give birth to Jesus, the Messiah.  After her initial surprise and a bit of confusion, Mary took a leap of faith and responded, “I am the Lord’s servant” and “May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38, NIV).  According to Scripture, history bore witness to Mary’s leap of faith to follow God’s calling, which was evident throughout Jesus’s life and crucifixion.

Another New Testament example of “spiritual” gymnasts would be the men called to serve as Jesus’s disciples.  The Word shares that in response to Jesus’s call of “Come, follow me,” Simon and Andrew “[a]t once…left their nets and followed him” (Matthew 4:18-20, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis).  They were not the only ones who responded to the Lord’s calling with a sense of immediacy, or urgency, either.

As Scripture continues, the next two men Jesus chose to become His disciples were James and John.  While busy working as fishermen, they heard Jesus calling and “immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him” (Matthew 4:22, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis).  The Word shows us there was no hesitation on the part of any of those to whom Jesus called, even when it meant leaving their familiar surroundings of home, work, and family.  Each of these men embodied what it means to take a leap of faith and follow God’s calling.  What genuine “spiritual” gymnasts!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

As previously mentioned, most of us will never become gymnasts in the Olympics; however, each of us can become a “spiritual” gymnast.  As Heavenly Father, all God asks is for His children, including you and me, to take a leap of faith and follow wherever He calls.  If each of us chooses to take a leap of faith and follow Him, we can do so with confidence and know we will soar and stick the landing.  For as Scripture reminds us, “For I know the plans I have for you…, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV).  Additionally, we are told, “For no word from God will ever fail” (Luke 1:37, NIV). Therefore, take a leap of faith and follow God’s calling for you!  As a “spiritual” gymnast, you, too, will soar and stick the landing!