The “Son” Shines Despite Storms in Life

Life abounds with unpredictability, just like the weather. Can you remember a time when the forecast called for sunny skies, but all that came were clouds and rain? Of course, you can! Unusual meteorological moments catch people off-guard and ill-prepared. The same is true in life. Unexpected, and sometimes difficult, moments happen. Nevertheless, there is good news! God wants His beloved children, including you, to know the “Son” shines despite storms in life.

An Inspirational Conversation about the Weather

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Recently, I happened to overhear a conversation between two people who were discussing the previous night’s storms. They agreed the community was fortunate the actual storms were not as severe as initially predicted. This innocent, unassuming exchange reminded me of how sometimes we put a great deal of faith and trust in other people for positive future outcomes. However, just like weather forecasts, people are fallible, or prone to errors. Why? People are perfectly imperfect.

Although the Divine Creator made everything and everyone, including you and me, we are not, and will never be, perfect. Why can we never be perfect if we were created by Almighty God, who is perfect? It is only through man’s imperfection God is glorified. How? If man was capable of perfection, then there would be no need to seek God for His perfect guidance, help, strength, peace, etc. Essentially, God’s children will inevitably disappoint each other through the very nature of their imperfection. Almighty God, however, remains unchanging (Hebrews 13:8, NIV) and divinely perfect even during the storms in your life.

How God is Glorified During the Storms in Life

Apostle Paul describes a storm in his own life where Satan tormented him mercilessly because of great visions and revelations he had received from the Lord. As his encounters with the enemy persisted, Paul admits to pleading with God. He wanted God to remove the turmoil, or “thorn in [his] flesh” (2 Corinthians 12:1-8, NIV).

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Instead of growing conceited after getting “caught up to the third heaven and paradise,” Apostle Paul realizes that despite the privileged, rare glimpse of such visions, he is still only human. Acknowledging his own weaknesses, Paul seeks the Lord for help. Responding to Paul’s petitions, God says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis).

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After receiving God’s message for him, Apostle Paul explains why he willingly accepts, and even delights in, the storms in life (i.e., insults, hardships, persecutions, difficulties, etc.). What would make someone actually delight in life’s storms? According to Paul, “For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10, NIV). On the surface, Paul’s statement appears to contradict itself. How can someone be weak and strong at the same time? Simple. Once a person realizes their own limitations and weaknesses and seeks to humbly submit their “storms” to God, only then will they find divine strength through God’s love, forgiveness, and unconditional grace.

Turning Your Storms over to God

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As a beloved child of God, you are a spiritual being first and foremost. Therefore, as you encounter storms in your life, seek spiritual solutions for them. Let the “Son” shine in the midst of your storms by allowing Him to carry the weight of your burdens for you. In fact, both the Old and New Testaments speak of doing just that!

King Solomon, considered by many as the wisest man who ever lived, reminds us, “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken” (Psalm 55:22, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis). Did you catch how Solomon says to address problems, or storms, in life? When a storm begins raging, seek God first. Relinquish all your concerns and anxieties to the Lord. Once you have released all that weighs you down, you will feel God’s divine and perfect power, sustaining and strengthening you for whatever you may face.

Examples of the “Son” Shining During Storms in Life

From personal experience, I assert King Solomon’s message remains as relevant today as it was in ancient times! Indeed, I have experienced the “Son” shine during various storms in my life. He has sustained me during parenting struggles, life-changing decisions, the loss of loved ones, and countless other times.

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In a previous post titled “Unconditional Surrender,” I shared the story of when one of my son’s went missing. For hours, my husband and I desperately searched for our child but to no avail. Knowing we had done all we could, we involved the police. Unfortunately, as midnight approached, our son had still not been found. In the stillness of the night, I prayed to the Lord to watch over our child and keep him safe. Immediately, an immense sense of peace flooded my body. Just as Scripture describes, it truly was a peace beyond all understanding. In that moment, the “Son” shined brightly in the midst of the storm!

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The post titled “When Unexpected Events Lead to Beautiful Blessings and Beginnings” recounts the story of how God took a devastating, horrific event such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which killed so many innocent people, and turned the pain and heartbreak into a beautiful beginning. A little boy half a world away united with his forever family! This is truly the “Son” shining despite the storms in life!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Just like the weather, life can be unpredictable. When unexpected or, perhaps, difficult moments arise, find comfort in knowing there is good news! God wants His beloved children, including you, to know the “Son” shines despite storms in life. All it takes is for you to surrender your burdens to the Lord. Then, step aside and let Him do what He does best in all His glory!

An Additional Related Post:

When God’s Heavenly Helpers Give the Gift of Life

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