Unattainable Standards or Living for An Audience of One?

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People might notice me if I looked more like them. Boy, they always have the nicest things! How could they have more followers on social media than I do? In today’s constantly changing world, the lure of achieving in comparison to others abounds in all facets of life. A desire for self-improvement and success can serve as a catalyst for the creation of healthy, well-intentioned goals. However, what happens when innocent aspirations evolve into unrealistic ideals? Each person must choose between unattainable standards or living for an audience of One.

Reframing How to View Standards: People vs. God

Setting standards for oneself is not inherently bad. However, problems can, and often do, arise when individuals innocently set unrealistic standards for themselves. How does this happen?

People’s Standards

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First of all, ask yourself, “Who created the standard I want to achieve?” If the answer is an individual or group of people, then inherent flaws exist. Why? Quite simply, people are perfectly imperfect. What society deems as in vogue today will have changed by tomorrow. People’s tastes, preferences, and perspectives constantly change and evolve, just as they do. For example, the clothes people donned during the 1920’s would seem out of place today. Therefore, a person will always fall short of achieving standards set by others because the bar for success constantly changes. However, what if the standard is created another way?

God’s Standards

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What about the standards God created for you to achieve? Unlike perfectly imperfect people who regularly change their minds, Scripture tells us God is unchanging. According to Psalm 33:11 (NIV), “…the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations” (bold and italics added for emphasis). Did you catch that? When God sets a standard, it remains unchanged. In fact, when He establishes a standard, He does it with intention, for a specific purpose, and out of love.

The Ten Commandments on Static.vecteezy.com

From one of the earliest books in the Bible, God speaks to Moses and imparts His standards for moral living, also known as the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17, NIV). Why would He do this? First, God acknowledges His children live in a broken world, and He seeks to provide us with a roadmap to honorable, righteous living. Second, according to Moses, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning” (Exodus 20:20, NIV).

Moses’s words provide powerful insight (not to mention a first-person account) as to the intentions behind God’s standards. He tells us the Ten Commandments serve as a test for righteous living. God desires His children refrain from sinning but realizes each of us will fall short because of our perfectly imperfect nature. Nevertheless, He hopes fear of losing out on eternity with Him will spur us to avoid sinful living. Furthermore, God tells Moses, “…Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you” (Exodus 20:24, NIV). In essence, when God’s children strive to turn away from sinning and honor His Will instead, He seeks to bless them.

Jesus Christ, God’s Strongest Standard

Scripture recounts how although God provided standards for living a moral life, humankind continued to sin and fall short of His commands. Despite understandable disappointment, God exercised His unconditional love and grace, giving the world His Son to save us from ourselves (or, rather, our sins!). According to the apostle John, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned…” (John 3:17-18, NIV).

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Let us examine John’s words a bit closer. Even though God possesses divine power, He does not have any intention of condemning us for our sins. After all, He created His children, including you and me, to love and spend eternal life with Him in Heaven. When His commandments no longer resonated with His children, God sent Jesus to save the world through crucifixion on a cross. Wow! Each of us matters that much to Him! All we must do is accept Jesus Christ as Savior and make Him Lord of our lives. There is no stronger standard than this!

Living for An Audience of One

What a reassuring thought to know God never changes and loves us unconditionally! Therefore, setting your sights on living for an audience of One means you are no longer bound by society’s ever-changing standards. Why? God is timeless! What a relief! After all, the constant pressure to always “Keep up with the Jones’s” can become exhausting, monotonous, and disappointing, especially when standards continually evolve and become unattainable. Right? Just think, God sees you as His beloved masterpiece! He wants you to realize you are enough just the way you are, exactly as He intended!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

In today’s world, the temptation to compare oneself to others permeates all facets of life, creating a slippery slope for many. For example, what may start as an innocent desire for self-improvement and success can subtly morph into a quest to attain unrealistic goals. How? People constantly change their minds, but God does not. Therefore, you must decide between unattainable standards or living for an audience of One. Which will you choose?

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Special Acknowledgment:

Feature image by Bich Tran on Pexels.com