Unconditional Surrender

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed and bogged down by problems and stressors in your life, all of which may seem completely overwhelming and utterly insurmountable?  If you identify with this description, I feel you.  I really do.  The good news is power exists in the unconditional surrender of any burden by laying it (figuratively, of course) at the Lord’s feet.  Turning anything (and everything) over to God demonstrates ultimate faith and trust in His divine power and will.  For anyone open to relinquishing their self-perceived control of a situation, an almost-indescribable sense of peace and rest await.

An Analogy: The Weight of Burdens on a Person

Imagine, for a moment, you have decided to mow your front lawn.  You retrieve your mower and make your way to the front yard.  However, much to your surprise, you find rocks of varying shapes and sizes scattered throughout the grass.  Then, you remember a work truck barreling past your house the other day, leaving remnants of its load dotting your yard.

Although you never planned on picking up rocks before mowing, you realize you must adjust your plans out of an abundance of caution.  Unfortunately, your wheelbarrow is currently out of commission.  Therefore, you are relegated to using a meager cardboard box, which you just happened to find in your garage.

As you begin picking up the rocks, you discover the weight of the box increasing with each addition.  The longer you work to rid your yard of rocks, the heavier the box becomes.  Eventually, you can no longer carry the box.  With sweat cascading down your face and neck, you scan the neighborhood street, hoping to catch a glimpse of anyone who might help you carry your load.

Just like the analogy, the same is true when people encounter unexpected problems and stressors (i.e., rocks of varying sizes).  People often start out by carrying their burdens alone until the weight of it all becomes too overwhelming, like the person carrying a heavy cardboard box filled with rocks.  Reluctantly, only then will most people seek much-needed assistance.

Getting help from others is important.  Please do not get me wrong.  God wants us to serve as the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus in the world.  However, The Heavenly Father wants His children seeking His help and guidance above all else.  When an individual trusts God enough to release self-perceived control of a problem to Him, unsurpassed peace and rest follow.

A Personal Example of Laying Burdens at the Lord’s Feet

I believe parenting is one of the most humbling things a person can do.  As a parent, you learn a lot about yourself.  In the process, you often realize you are stronger than you think.  At least, that has been my experience.

As any parent will tell you, the teenage years are nothing short of a test of endurance (and will).  Raging hormones certainly do not help, but adolescence triggers a strong need for independence.  Each teenager exercises their autonomy differently.  Unfortunately, both of our sons chose at different times to sneak out of our house (sometimes for several days), leaving Tom and me in the lurch with no inkling of their whereabouts.

On one occasion, Tom and I canvassed the neighborhood, common hangout spots, and the city in search of our child but to no avail.  We even involved law enforcement.  Unfortunately, as midnight loomed, we went to bed, but sleep eluded me.

Feeling as if I had reached the proverbial end of my rope, I let the stillness of the night envelop me and went to the Lord in prayer.  Confessing I had done everything I possibly could, I asked God to watch over and protect the son He gave Tom and me.  Reaching a pivotal moment in my prayer, I came to the reckoning I could not “do it all” because that job is solely reserved for God, Himself.  Humbly, I acknowledged no matter how much Tom and I love our child, God loves him more.  Our son is God’s first.  Once I uttered those words, a new realization emerged.

Knowing how much the Lord loves our child and willingly shares him with us in this earthly life, I knew with the same conviction He was watching over our son.  In that instant, my prayer shifted focus.  I chose unconditional surrender, laying our son at the Lord’s feet (figuratively, of course) and yielding everything to God for His will to be done.  In turn, instead of praying for God to show us the location of our child, I prayed simply for the Lord to watch over Him and keep him safe.  God the Father already knew where our son was and was tending to him.

As my prayer ended, I felt an immense sense of peace flow through my body.  It was as if a wave of water rushed through me.  What followed was an undeniable sense of calm, truly a peace beyond all understanding.  On that night, within ten minutes after I finished talking with God, the doorbell rang.  When Tom opened the front door, there was our precious son, ready to come home.  After getting our son settled, Tom and I returned to bed.  That time, I slept like a baby (actually, God’s child).

What Scripture Says about Unconditional Surrender to God

I’m going to illustrate how Scripture breathed life and God’s love into every moment of my personal story. The point I reached the ‘end of my rope,’ I sought God in prayer. According to Scripture, King David writes, “Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you” (Psalm 9:10, NIV).

Praying earnestly, I was humbled upon realizing an earthly parent’s love will never surpass the unconditional, eternal love of The Heavenly Father. Our son is God’s child first. The Bible speaks about what happens when a person humbly seeks the Lord. James 4:10 (NIV) instructs us to, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”

Eventually, I acknowledged God already knew our son’s exact location and was taking care of him. This served as another pivotal moment in my talk with God Almighty. My prayer’s focus shifted from asking God to provide Tom and me with our son’s location to thanking Him for keeping watch after our child, ensuring his safety. As I am sure you have guessed by now, Scripture speaks about this shift in thinking, as well. In the Old Testament, the prophet Jeremiah states, “LORD, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps” (Jeremiah 10:23, NIV).

In the end, I came to God in prayer, unconditionally surrendering my perceived sense of control, and placing my missing child at the Lord’s feet (figuratively) for His will to be done. God did not forsake me in a moment of great distress. Instead, I experienced indescribable peace and rest. The New Testament says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, NIV).

The Heavenly Father knows the human race well. He knows people will experience problems and stressful situations, but He does not want us to worry. No. Instead, God wants to provide His children with peace. Paul the Apostle elaborates on this point by saying, “And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6, NIV).

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

When you find yourself overwhelmed and bogged down by problems and stressors in life, seek God in prayer. Then, through unconditional surrender, lay your burdens (figuratively, of course) at the Lord’s feet.  Turning anything (and everything) over to God demonstrates your ultimate faith and trust in His divine power and will.  If you are open to relinquishing your perceived control of a situation, peace and rest await.

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