When God Answers Your Prayers in Unexpected Ways

Have you ever wanted something so badly (almost desperately, in fact) and prayed fervently for it; however, when push came to shove, what you wanted never came to pass?  If this has happened to you, how did you feel?  For some, praying earnestly means God will answer prayers affirmatively, especially for those faithful to Him.  Meanwhile, those whose prayers appear seemingly unanswered might begin doubting God’s faithfulness to them, perhaps turning away from God altogether.  Rest assured, dear friend, God hears the prayers of His children and desires to answer every single one.  In fact, watch for moments when God answers your prayers in unexpected ways!

Personal Example of An Unexpected Answer to Prayers

By June 1993, the question “What should I do?” loomed in my mind like an anchor, weighing me down from the moment I woke up until the moment I fell asleep each day.  All I knew was I felt unfulfilled (or, perhaps, mismatched) in my accounting job and desperately desired to understand God’s plan for me and my life.  I wanted, and needed, to know what I must do.  So, I did the only thing I could…pray.

After several months of earnest prayer, I received the answer for which I had been waiting, and it came at a most unexpected time.  While running errands, I heard (literally) the loving voice of God speak to me.  His message was loud and clear.  Immense peace followed, and the emotional anchor, which had been weighing me down, vanished!

What He said was, “Krista, you are to become a teacher.”  My response was swift and resolute, “Okay, God.  I will.”

Earning a degree in elementary education was no easy task.  I quickly realized following God’s calling meant practically starting from the very beginning in my studies.  Since my initial undergraduate degree was in accounting, my coursework and electives aligned with business but not elementary education.  Ultimately, acquiring my undergraduate degree in elementary education required three years of study. 

Since I followed God’s message and became a teacher, finding a job should be no problem.  Right?  That’s what I thought, but I was terribly wrong.  God had other plans, and I spent the next year substitute teaching.

Despite the benefits of substitute teaching, nothing replaced the longing I had for my own classroom or the emptiness I felt not having one of my own.  I learned many things about teaching during that first year after graduation, but I had other lessons I still needed to learn.  Some of which would take an entire year to realize. 

After graduation, I had several interviews.  None of them felt right, but I didn’t care.  I wanted a teaching job.  When all the schools followed up after the interviews, each one claimed the other candidate had more experience, and they wanted to err on the side of experience.  Rejected.  That is what I felt.  Failure.  That is what I thought.

The following year was the darkest in my life up to that point.  Each day, Tom left for work while I waited by the phone, hoping to receive a substituting job.  Many days I did receive calls, but many days I didn’t.  Those twelve months are simply a blur for me.

Emotionally, I slipped into depression and cried every day.  No lie.  Every. Single. Day.  When Tom and I attended his work functions, I felt inferior and insignificant.  Unlovable and unworthy.  At the time, I fell so deep into despair that I didn’t know what it would take to bring me out of it.

What I didn’t realize is God had not moved.  I had.  It was as if I falsely believed because I followed God’s message for me, I was somehow entitled to an instant job.  I have since realized God’s plans for His children are often not two-dimensional (as people see them) but, instead, are multifaceted and complex… true works of art, the most beautiful kind.  Unbeknownst to me, I would soon learn this lesson.

One day the following summer, Tom returned home from work with news.  His coworker’s wife was an elementary school educator.  Her school needed to hire a teacher, and interviews were ending soon. 

Tom shared I was a licensed elementary school teacher, looking for a job.  This man promised to pass along my information to his wife.  She called me later that week to say she secured an interview for me and offered some pointers on how to impress the principal.

The specifics of this much-anticipated interview have faded from memory with the passage of time.  However, what remains with such clarity is how I received a phone call within minutes (literally) of returning home.  The principal explained how she knew immediately I was the person she had been waiting for all summer to fill a vacant third grade teaching position.  She offered me the job, and I eagerly accepted.

Looking back on the near misses from the previous year, I realized those jobs had not been a good fit.  Thankfully, God knew.  He heard all my prayers, witnessed my pleas, and ached over all the tears I had shed.  In the end, God did not forsake me.  No.  Instead, He blessed me with an unexpected answer to my prayers…a teaching position in a school district where I taught for almost 20 years!

What Scripture Says about Why Some Prayers Seem Unanswered

Let us take a moment to address the proverbial elephant in the room. Why do some prayers seem to go unanswered? According to the Old Testament, “If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable” (Proverbs 28:9, NIV). Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? Well, in essence, King Solomon reminds us God’s children should strive to live a Christlike life, turning away from sin. Put another way, anyone holding onto sin is essentially turning away from Christlike ways and, in turn, God’s Word.

Undeniably, our Lord never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8, NIV). Comforting, isn’t it? What this means is God’s message about hearing and answering prayers remains unchanged. In fact, Scripture from the New Testament supports this. In 1 Peter 3:12 (NIV), the Apostle Peter reiterates King Solomon’s explanation by saying, “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” By sharing these words with persecuted Christians, Peter delivered powerful instruction to them (as well as us) on how to live a Christlike life. The big takeaway… strive to live a Christlike life by following The Word. When you do, God is beyond receptive to your prayers.

What Scripture Says about Why People Should Pray

God, as The Creator, knows His children better than they know themselves. According to Jesus during His Sermon on the Mount, “…your Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Matthew 6:8, NIV). Wow! That is pretty neat, isn’t it?! If this is true (which it is because it came from Jesus’s own words), then why pray at all? One of the prophet Isaiah’s messages reminds us God provides comfort. He says, “…For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones” (Isaiah 49:13, NIV). Essentially, God knows us and wants to provide comfort in difficult times.

Through prayer an individual demonstrates complete trust in God’s divine power and submits to His will. Scripture recounts King David exemplifying this exact point, saying, “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me…” (Psalm 28:7, NIV). When a person follows God’s Word, their heart aligns with His will, so their prayers will be answered.

How Scripture Addresses Prayers Answered in Unexpected Ways

We have already established God, our Creator, knows us better than we could ever imagine. In fact, the prophet Isaiah sheds light on the subject when he writes, “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts,'” (Isaiah 55:8-9, NIV). In essence, God, possessing divine wisdom, knows what is best for each of His children on a personal level. Therefore, there might be times when the answers to your prayers unexpectedly deviate from your desired outcomes. That is okay, though. Why? Well, as long as your heart aligns with God’s Word, your prayers align with His will. When this happens, you can rest knowing He has heard your prayers, and they are answered even in unexpected ways!

Connections between the Personal Story Shared and Scripture

Initially, my prayers for a teaching job did not come to fruition. Why not? Looking back, I believe it was for a few reasons. First, God knows me better than I know myself. Thank God (literally)! He knew I was willing to compromise what did not feel like a good fit (professionally) for the sake of having a teaching position immediately upon graduation. Second, God knew I still had much to learn (on a personal level) before acquiring my own classroom. Third, I felt almost entitled (i.e., pride = sin) to an immediate teaching position because I faithfully followed God’s call to become a teacher. In the end, God placed the right teaching position before me once I addressed the self-imposed roadblocks (previously described) and submitted fully to His will.

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

Have you ever prayed fervently, but your desired outcome never happened?  As a child of God who strives to live a Christlike life, know He hears your prayers and wants to answer them.  Just remember since He knows you better than you know yourself, He may make you wait. If that happens, have faith in the One who made you. Then, when you lease expect it, you just might bear witness to moments when God answers your prayers in unexpected ways!

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