When God’s Heavenly Helpers Give the Gift of Life

Giving the gift of life often refers to organ donation. Despite the donor’s selfless gift, a successful transplant depends upon a host of factors, including organ availability and viability. However, what if I told you God sends heavenly messengers to help His children, including you dear friend, in a variety of ways and for a multitude of reasons? In fact, join me as we explore together when God’s heavenly helpers give the gift of life.

The Timelessness of God’s Heavenly Helpers

My beloved papaw (see featured image) went to his eternal home in 1995. Almost immediately upon his departure, I began experiencing the direct effects of God’s heavenly helpers, or angels, hard at work in my life and the lives of those around me. In fact, I feel their active, loving presence to this day. Nevertheless, I want to share with you two instances from back in 1995, which forever solidified my view of God’s angelic messengers as relevant in contemporary times and not just characters from ancient, Biblical days.

God’s Heavenly Helpers Drive Cars?

black traffic light
Photo by Davis Sanchez on Pexels.com

My mom and I had just departed the residential care facility where my granny was living. We had dropped off a dress for her to wear at my papaw’s funeral later that day. Returning home, my mom drove north on Highway 37. At intermittent points along the route are several traffic signals. On this particular day, the lights remained green for us. Smooth sailing. Right? Wrong. Unfortunately, another motorist missed his red light and barreled into the intersection, occupied by my mom and me! Even more dire was the terrifying fact the car was heading straight for my door!

Hurtling towards us, the car was so close I could literally see the whites of the driver’s eyes! All I could do was hold my breath, close my eyes, prepare for impact, and pray. In the split second before both cars collided, something miraculous happened!

black car steering wheel shallow focus photography
Photo by Scott Webb on Pexels.com

After jostling in my seat for a few seconds, I opened my eyes. What I found left me forever changed. There we sat in my mom’s car, untouched, unharmed, and resting in the middle of the grassy median! How did we get there?

Glancing at my mom, I noticed she appeared visibly shaken and a bit perplexed. As if she could read my mind, my mom explained how, in the split second before impact, she felt someone (literally) take control of the steering wheel and drive the car! No kidding, dear friend! In that moment, my mom and I knew unequivocally one of God’s angels drove the car that day, giving us the gift of life!

A Life-Saving Message in the Middle of the Night

About two months after my papaw’s passing, one of God’s angels brought me an urgent message in the middle of the night. Fast asleep, I awoke with a start when I felt hands on my arm, rocking me awake. Opening my eyes, I expected to see my husband standing there, but no one was (visibly) there!

dawn person love woman
Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on Pexels.com

How is this possible when I feel the sensation of two hands holding my arm? Additionally shocking is the hands, which were holding my arm, continued rocking me! What?! How is this possible? Am I dreaming? Looking over my shoulder, my gaze settled on my husband in deep slumber.

Left with no other conclusion, I accepted this was no dream. Having an analytical mind, I attempted to surmise the reason for it all. Much to my surprise, the answer I sought came in a rather extraordinary way.

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Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

In the silence of the night, the presence, which I had originally felt beside me, relocated to the foot of my bed. What happened next amazes me to this day! Despite the absence of sound, I literally heard God’s messenger speak to me as clearly as if someone were beside me talking! The divine, yet sobering, message I heard was, “Do not be afraid. [Yes! Just like the many accounts in Scripture! No kidding!] Your papaw is well and in heaven. However, be very aware. There is something not right with someone in the family.” Immediately after the message had been delivered, God’s helper left.

Confused, I ruminated on what had transpired. Over the course of the following week, the Holy Spirit eventually placed upon my heart the relative with whom “something was not right.” It was my dad.

Eventually, I shared everything with my husband, Tom, and he encouraged me to pass along this news to my mom. Due to the urgent nature of the message, I immediately called and alerted her. My news was met with complete and utter silence. Literally. Silence. [Unbeknownst to me at the time, God had sent a heavenly helper to my dad with a similar message, which explains why my mom was speechless!]

medical equipment on an operation room
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Fast forwarding a couple of weeks, Tom and I traveled to see my parents and sister, Becky. During our visit, my dad underwent an unplanned quadruple bypass surgery! Thankfully, the doctors reported my dad had not actually had a heart attack but only left arm sensations.

Heeding God’s urgent message, delivered via two heavenly helpers to my dad and me, saved my dad’s life. Instead of waiting and monitoring his symptoms, my dad sought medical assistance at the first sign something did not feel right. God’s timing is always perfect, and it was in this instance, too. For you see, my family learned from the surgeon, if my dad had waited and suffered a heart attack, it would have been the fatal “widow maker!”

Looking back, I am deeply humbled and comforted at how much God loves His children. In the case of my dad, the Creator loves him so much that He sent His heavenly helpers to impart an urgent message in the middle of the night. The divine message not only gave my dad the gift of life but blessed the rest of my family with many more years of wonderful memories with my dad!

Parallels Between What Scripture Says about God’s Heavenly Helpers and the Stories Shared

God’s Word abounds with a plethora (literally) of examples referencing His angelic messengers, or heavenly helpers. A common theme when angels visit people is they do not want anyone to feel afraid. One of the earliest examples comes from Genesis 21:17 (NIV) when an angel sent by God tells Hagar, “…Do not be afraid….” In another Old Testament example, Daniel receives a divine message from a heavenly helper about events, concerning “a time yet to come.” (Daniel 10:10-19, NIV). In these verses, Daniel recalls trembling upon feeling the hand of God’s messenger touch him more than once. Just like in ancient times, my modern-day experience with a heavenly helper included both physical touch and reassurances to not be afraid.

The Bible says God instructs His angels to protect His children, including you dear friend. In fact, Psalm 91 specifically states, “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” (Psalm 91:11, NIV). He surely accomplished this when one of His heavenly helpers took control of my mom’s car and drove us to safety!

God provides angels to protect us, and He always keeps His promises. Therefore, God’s children can trust what He and His divine messengers say. Scripture supports this precept by saying, “[S]o is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11, NIV) (bold and italics added for emphasis).

In the middle of the night, God sent a life-saving message via His heavenly helper. Then, through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I knew to pass along the information to my mom. God’s message, delivered through one of His angels, both accomplished His desire and achieved His purpose. My dad’s life was saved!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

For some, the individuals and stories contained in Scripture seem unrelatable and, perhaps, irrelevant in modern times. The good news is this could not be further from the truth! Remember God always keeps His promises, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Studying His Word and learning about experiences in the lives of His perfectly imperfect children help illuminate many different ways in which God’s heavenly helpers give the gift of life, including for you, dear friend!

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