When the Holy Spirit Chooses to Witness Through You

On some level, every human being wants to know they matter and make a difference in the world. As one might expect, ideas of how to create a legacy of positive change varies with each individual you ask. However, what if people chose a different way of measuring the impact they make? For example, by focusing on using God’s Word and Jesus’s teachings as barometers of what actions to take in any given situation, you prepare yourself for when the Holy Spirit chooses to witness through you.

An Unexpected Encounter Leads to Witness

Who would have imagined an unassuming stop at City Hall would lead to a powerful moment of witness? I certainly did not, but God did. Just think, the following Holy Spirit-led encounter all started with a home improvement project!

selective focus photography of red cherries on tree branch
Photo by Nadine Wuchenauer on Pexels.com
branch with leaves on ground in daylight
Photo by Rachel Claire on Pexels.com

As many residents throughout the Midwest and Southern parts of the United States can attest, December 2022 brought with it a severe, multi-day cold snap. Unfortunately, like many who experienced the arctic blast’s ramifications, I witnessed my shrubs succumb to the frigid, unforgiving temperatures. As a result, my plants’ demise required a change in landscaping. Since my family resides in an HOA-managed neighborhood, I drove to City Hall in April to request a plot plan for inclusion in a proposal to our HOA for new landscaping.

As I approached the Planning Department, a woman rose from behind a desk and greeted me. After initial pleasantries and listening to my request, she left to locate someone who could assist me. Within a few moments, the lady returned and resumed her unfinished tasks. While waiting, I glanced across the counter and could not help but smile, as I noticed a familiar object sitting on the window ledge. Pointing to the predominantly red, circular item, I commented, “I like your Easy Button!” Smiling, the woman rose from her desk and approached me.

What began as a benign comment about an Easy Button quickly morphed into a conversation about love, loss, and faith. No kidding! Turns out, the woman who had warmly greeted me when I arrived at the Planning Department window was a retired employee, who volunteers when needed.

As we spoke, I learned she lost her 40-year-old son (pictured on the left) in a helicopter crash only two months prior. In fact, her son was one of two Tennessee National Guard pilots who perished in the crash. This grieving mother told of her son’s passion for service and getting the opportunity to do what he loved. She also talked about his young children and their loss. Despite intermittent breaks in our conversation (i.e., other customers, etc.), we spoke of how precious life is, and how God walks alongside us even during the darkest, most painful moments in life.

Danny Randolph (left) and Daniel Wadham, chief warrant officers in the Tennessee National Guard
(Photo by Tennessee National Guard)

Eventually, a man, who came to assist with my plot plan request, approached the window. In that moment, this special faith-based conversation of which I had participated drew to a close. Nevertheless, before its conclusion, the woman thanked me for taking the time to speak with and listen to her. As she turned to leave, she smiled and in a soft, gentle voice said, “Sometimes, people just need to vent.” Just think, everyone you meet is going through something, including you!

Reflecting on Lessons Learned through the Experience

The Holy Spirit Creates Opportunities

open to new opportunities lettering text on black background
Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com

By choosing to slow down and genuinely invest the time to listen to this woman, the Holy Spirit afforded me the opportunity to share with her the powerful impact faith has had in my life. The One whom Jesus calls the Advocate, or Holy Spirit, was definitely present that day at City Hall (see John 14:15-21, 15:26-27). He used this brief encounter of witness to lift a stranger’s spirits. Thanks be to God!

An important point, which could easily get overlooked is how long I ended up waiting for someone to address my plot plan request. Although I had dropped into City Hall for one purpose, God had other plans. What I thought would be a short trip took much longer. Regardless, the Holy Spirit had other plans for me that afternoon (besides my plot plan). Basically, in life, we must remember each of us has a limited human perspective, compared to God’s divine and infinite one! Essentially, His timing is always perfect! So, sometimes He might need us to slow down and wait for His plan to manifest, which it always will!

God Wants Action Not Excuses

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Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.com

If I may, let’s get real for a moment. Choices have consequences. What happened between this random stranger and me is not an everyday occurrence. However, what if it was?

People often formulate excuses when faced with things that might create unease or inconvenience for themselves. Don’t they? For example, what if I had not allowed the Holy Spirit to witness through me because I am an introvert? However, I know God has never failed me. Ever. In this situation, pushing past my comfort zone not only helped someone else but strengthened my faith, too. Simply put, “… no word from God will ever fail” (Luke 1:37, NIV). So, I chose to let go and let God!

Instill in Children How to Witness through Love in Action

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Photo by Nothing Ahead on Pexels.com

This experience with the lady at City Hall reminded me of the tremendous responsibility each of us has in instilling in children how to witness through love in action. After all, God is love (see 1 John 4:7-8; John 15:12). As I left the building and headed toward my car, I reminisced about how I had incorporated this concept in my elementary classroom. (Note: The entire time, I maintained the separation of Church and State.)

asian toddler drawing with little sister
Photo by Sunvani Hoàng on Pexels.com

When I taught third grade, I created a student-centered program, called Students for Students. I based the acknowledgement program on the premise of teaching my students that no act of kindness is ever wasted. As I used to explain to them, a small act on their part may have a huge impact on someone else. Thus, I created a certificate-style template for students to acknowledge their peers’ acts of kindness.

Every week, my class would read two of them. Without fail, each time the student who extended the kindness had no idea what a positive change it had for the recipient of the thoughtful gesture. What a powerful witness of love in action those students shared with one another!

Closing Thoughts and a Call to Action

You matter to God and are unconditionally loved by Him. As you seek to make a positive, lasting impact in the world, focus on His Word and Jesus’s example of what types of actions to take in any situation. However, remember remaining open to the Holy Spirit’s nudging allows Him to witness through you in the most unparalleled ways!

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Special Acknowledgement:

shallow photography of usa flag
Photo by Sawyer Sutton on Pexels.com

Thank you to all of the brave men and women serving in all branches of the United States Military as well as their families and loved ones, especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Your bravery and selfless sacrifice are truly love in action! God bless each of you!

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